Indeed there are many different types of bird species in the world. But, the species of water Bird is the most fascinating and mesmerizing. Often called aquatic Birds, water birds are widely distributed across the globe and contribute richly to the beautiful atmosphere we live in. These are commonly found in shallow water (both freshwater and saltwater) habitats. Ranging from kingfishers, and coastal Birds to the majestic American Dipper there is a large number of rare and exotic aquatic Birds. So here is a list of the top 10 Amazing Water Birds in the World,
Water Birds
1. Kingfisher
Popularly recognized as one of the most beautiful water Birds on the earth, The Kingfisher is a medium-sized aquatic Bird well known for its impressive water dives. Kingfishers are brightly colored Birds typically with short tails, large heads, and orange-blue plumage.
Also, they are most commonly found in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Moreover, kingfishers feed on a wide variety of prey such as fish, small intertebrates, and many more. Also, they reside in a wide range of habitats but are most commonly found near rivers and lakes.
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2. Swans
Recognized as the largest living species and also among the largest flying birds, Swans are beautiful aquatic Birds with long necks with heavy bodies and are known to be one of the friendliest animals in the world. Also, this big-footed Bird glides majestically while swimming and flying with slow wingbeats outstretching its neck. Swans are also listed as one of the calmest animals in the world.
Moreover, males and females are almost identical while male swans are commonly known as cobs, and females are known as Pens. They feed by dabbling in shallows on aquatic plants. It is interesting to note that Swans utter a variety of sounds and are social Birds most commonly found in groups.
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3. African Jacana
African jacana is a distinctive bird with chestnut upper parts, black wingtips, sky blue bill, and very long toes at the end of its find legs. However, females are generally larger than males. Also, It is one of the majestic water Birds that forage on the water surfaced lilies and other aquatic vegetation with its long legs and ludicrously elongated toes. Also, African Jacana is a social Bird gathering together in groups. African Jacanas are found worldwide within the tropical zones specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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4. The Great Cormorant
The Great Cormorant is a heavy seabird with a long thick neck, blocky head, heavy hooked bill, and broad wings. Also, known as black Shag in New Zealand it is widely spread across the Northern hemisphere. Moreover, The Great Cormorant has a long tail and yellow throat patch. These birds are easily recognizable by their large size, heavier build thicker bills. It is interesting to note that The Great Cormorant is mostly silent Birds and is found mainly on freshwater lakes, estuaries, the sea, rivers, etc.

5. American Dipper
Most popularly known as Water ouzel, American Dipper is a stocky bird with a dark grey body, brownish head, and white feathers on the eyelids. Also, American Dipper is the only truly aquatic songbird in America that catches all of its food underwater in swiftly flowing streams by swimming and walking on the stream bottom.
Also, this distinctive bird is seen common along rushing streams, especially in the high mountains. Furthermore, this bird species mainly inhabits the mountainous regions of Central America and western North America ranging from Panama to Alaska.

6. Ballion’s Crake
Also known as Marsh crack, Ballion’s Crake is a very small water Bird named after French naturalist Louis Antoine Francois Baillon. This majestic bird species is widely distributed across Europe, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent Africa Australia, and Southeast Asia. Ballion’s Crake has a short straight yellowish bill, reddish eyes, long legs, and greenish tones.
Also, they are found in a wide variety of habitats such as freshwater lakes, saline wetlands, coastal marshes, swamps, flooded meadows, flooded agricultural fields, fish farms with vegetation, and sewage ponds, and also they feed on a variety of food like small fish, aquatic insects and also seeds, berries, etc.
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7. Black-Legged Kittiwake
This majestic seabird is native to the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of the world but is commonly found across all the northern coast of the Atlantic. It is a medium-sized Bird with a whitehead, grey wings, yellow pointed bill, and Jet black feet. However, males and females are identically similar. Also, this bird species is easily recognized by its completely black wingtips.
However, Kittiwakes have a very pleasant melodious voice. This bird species is commonly found in all coastal areas, sea, and even ice-filled waters. Also, these are social birds that tend to form colonies of tens to thousands of birds in Cliff along the coast.

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8. Crab Plovers
Crab Plovers are peculiar wading birds found commonly across tidal mudflats around shores, coastlines, and Islands of the Indian Ocean. Crab Plovers are Afro-Asian birds and are remarkably the only representative of the Dromadidae family. Also, it is a very distinctive bird with a white head, black plumage, and black coloring feathers.
Moreover, it has a long neck with an upright posture and a strong long black gull-like bill specialized for feeding. Crab Plovers are also commonly found inhabiting the Sandy and muddy shores on the mainland coast and islands, estuaries, lagoons, and exposed coral reefs.

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9. Eurasian SpoonBill
Eurasian spoonbill is also a distinctive bird species with a large white body, yellowish breast patch, find black wingtips (visible in flight), and long spoon-shaped bills. Also, this is the most widespread species across Europe and is easily identifiable with the help of a spatulate bill. Eurasian spoonbill is widely spread across the world ranging from Europe to Northwest Africa, The Red Sea, India, and China. A
Also, it is a migratory bird generally wintering in Europe and Asia including some parts of the Indian state of Karnataka. Moreover, they are commonly found near lakes, ponds, rivers, deltas, canals, and marshes with overgrown shrubbery.

10. Flamingoes
Flamingos are also one of the most distinctive wading long neck animal species widely distributed throughout America including the Caribbean and also Africa, Asia, and Europe. Flamingoes are generally native to tropical and subtropical areas. There are basically six different species of flamingoes. The Greater Flamingo is the most widespread and largest species of the flamingo family. It is also listed as one of the most popular birds in the world.
Generally, flamingos are graceful animals for their bright pink feathers, stilt-like legs, and S-shaped neck. Also, flamingoes feed on shrimp, and snails and build their nest along the water base. Furthermore, flamingo species are not endangered but the Andean flamingo is listed as vulnerable. It is one of the animals that start with f.

11. Double-crested Cormorants
The Double-crested cormorant scientifically known as Nannopterum auritum belongs to the family of water birds. The bird species popular as the black bird with a yellow beak is widely distributed across the regions of North America including the Aleutian Islands in Alaska down to Florida and Mexico.
It can grow upto 70–90 cm (28–35 in) in length and looks like a complete all-black bird and have a small double crest of black and white feathers in the breeding season. The total wingspan of the bird species is between 114 to 123 cm (45–48 in). The avarage lifespan of Double-crested Cormorants is 6.1 years in the wild.

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12. Ferruginous Ducks
The ferruginous duck scientifically known as Aythya nyroca is a medium size bird species that comes from the Eurosiberia region. It is also known as ferruginous pochard, common white-eye, and white-eyed pochard, however, the ferruginous duck name has been derived from Greek Lithuania an unidentified seabird mentioned by authors including Hesychius and Aristotle, and nyrok. The nyrok is the Russian name of the duck species.

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13. Glossy Ibis
The Glossy ibis scientifically known as Plegadis falcinellus is a water bird that belongs to the spoonbill family Threskiornithidae. The name of the bird species has derieved from Ancient Greek plegados and Latin, falcis which means “sickle”. This is in reference to the distinctive shape of the bill.
It loves to thrive in freshwater or brackish wetlands which are surrounded by vegetation such as reeds, papyrus, or rushes. The primary diet of Glossy Ibis includes aquatic beetles, dragonflies, damselflies, grasshoppers, crickets, flies, and caddisflies, however, it is variable according to the season.

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14. Greylag Geese
Greylag Geese scientifically known as Anser anser is a species of large goose that belongs to the waterfowl family Anatidae. The total wingspan of the bird species is 57.8-70.8 in (147-180 cm) and can grow upto 29.9-35 in (76-89 cm). Greylag Geese can fly with a speed of 4.3 mph (6.9 kph). The baby greylag geese are known as goslings. It primarily feeds on oats, barley, root crops, peas, lentils, wheat, buckwheat, grasses, seeds, and cereal grains. The avarage lifespan of bird species is up to 35 years in the wild.

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15. The Large-billed Tern
The Large-billed tern scientifically known as Phaetusa simplex is a species of tern that belongs to the family of Laridae. The bird species were seen in the regions of South America (east of the Andes and north of the Pampas). The Large-billed Tern loves to thrive near rivers and freshwater lakes. The total wingspan of the bird species is 34 to 36 inches. It feeds on a variety of aquatic creatures and insects.
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16. Mandarin Duck
The Mandarin duck is one of the colorful birds that have a greenish-black forehead along with a purple crest near the back of the head. It can grow upto 21.0 to 24.5 cm (8.3 to 9.7 in.) in length and the avarage wieght is 0.63 kg (1.4 lbs.). The female species is larger than the males. The diest of the bird species includes seeds, acorns, small fruit, insects, snails, and small fish. The avarage lifespan of the species is 6 to 7 years in the wild.

These are the most beautiful water birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.