Birds are some of the cutest animals to keep as pets. Or perhaps to witness in their full glory in nature. While some green birds like parrots may seem common, some are quite exotic and found only in a few places in the world. Green color has evolved in these birds for a variety of reasons. For some, it helps to make them attractive for mating for others it can be for camouflage as it blends well with the foliage. Read on to find out about 10 green birds in the world,
Green Birds In The World
1. Carolina Parakeet
These parakeets have a golden-colored heads. It was found in the plains of the continental United States. ‘Was’ because it went extinct birds in the early twentieth century. The area near the beak was known to be reddish in color. They are scientifically called Conuropsis carolinensis.
The baby birds didn’t have the distinct golden plumage but only green feathers. Flocks of birds numbering as high as 300 birds! They mainly ate forest produce like nuts berries, fruits, and seeds. Many European settlers had this bird as a pet. Probably no one at that time thought they would go extinct someday.

2. Rosy-Faced Lovebird
This bird has green plumage all over its body, except its face. The face and neck feathers are red to pink in color. This rose-like color of its face is what makes it distinct and gives it the common name – A rosy-faced Lovebird. This bird is found in the hot regions of Africa like Namibia. These birds are social animals, and they chirp in flocks which makes a loud sound. The name Lovebird is not a random addition. While sleeping, two of them perch together and turn their sideways – just like two lovers really!

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3. Anna’s Hummingbird
The name comes from Anna Massena of Rivoli. This is found in its native habitat on the western coast of the continent of North America. This species has an interesting history with humans. Unlike other birds, this one has spread over more regions instead of a decline in population.
The ornamental plants that were planted in these regions provided a large food base for these birds and as a result, they are now found even further North, acclimatizing to the cold climates. These birds have a long sharp beak that they use to suck nectar from flowers. Apart from flower juice, they also eat small insects that they can find.

Image Source: Jerry McFarland
4. Violet-Green Swallow
This is a multi-colored bird. Its front body is white and so are its cheeks. But its head and back are covered in lustrous green feathers. The edges of the wings have a shiny violet color. This small bird is found in the western region of Northern America and Central America. They eat small insects that they find while in flight. Probably the best example of in-flight refueling. They only seldom eat insects found on the ground. For breeding, they go up north as far as Alaska along the western coast. They mostly build their nests in hollows of conifers.
Also Read: Top 10 Green Animals In The World

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5. Green-Breasted Mango
This is a small hummingbird. It is known as Anthracothorax prevostii scientifically. These birds measure a tiny 10cm in length and less than 10 grams in weight. Its coat is lustrous green with bronze shades. The tail is glossy blue-black in color. These birds live mainly in the warm climate zones of America. This includes Mexico and spreads southwards into Northern Colombia and Venezuela. The shiny feathers all over their body make them one of the most beautiful hummingbirds.

Image Source: Wikimedia
6. Green Jay
Known as Cyancorax luxuosus scientifically. They feed on fruits, seeds, and small insects. The bird’s wings and most of its body are covered in parrot-like green feathers. But the head and neck have blue-black feathers that stand in stark contrast to the rest of the body. The tail feathers also have a shade of blue and green. Green jays are commonly found in tropical Central America, especially along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Green Jays are also often found in some parts of Texas.

7. Red-Crowned Amazon
These birds are called Amazona viridigenalis. This name misguides us of the Amazon region of South America when really, they live in northern Mexico and Texas in the southern USA. They have green feathers all over their body and a red patch over their heads which appears like a crown. There is also a strip of blue-grey color below the crown, near the eye.
They feed on forest fruits, seeds, nuts, and flower nectar. These are quite popular as pet birds. One can easily tell how it feels by reading their eyes, and so they are easy to live with. Owners know how it feels about their behavior. Unfortunately, this popularity has cost the species its numbers. They are now listed as endangered birds because of illegal sale and capture and diminishing habitat areas.

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8. Quaker Parrot
These are found in the tropical rainforests of South America. However, many feral groups now occur in Northern America and Europe too. These Parrots have their bodies covered in green feathers but with a white neck and breast. The name is derived from the sound they make. Scientifically they are called Myiopsitta monachus. Quaker Parrots are very social animals and get grumpy if alone or without companions.
An intriguing phenomenon in these parrots is the existence of dialects. Various feral groups in Europe and elsewhere distinguish each other from their dialects i.e., how they vocalize their ‘quakes’. They are also called Monk Parakeets and because of their adaptability to urban landscape are now illegal to keep in certain regions in the US.

Image Source: cuatrok77
9. Green Kingfisher
This bird is found in vast regions across the Americas. Spreading from Texas and Northern Mexico all the way down south till Argentina. They live near streams and rivers and make their nests as flat tunnels on their banks. This kingfisher has an average size of 20 cm and weighs less than 50 grams. They have a long bill that they use to catch fish or other insects. They have glossy green wings, heads and flanks and white chests, and a collar of white hue. Kingfishers are one of the amazing animals that start with k.

Image Source: Wikimedia
10. Indian ringneck Parakeet
These are one of the most popular parakeets among bird lovers. The main distinguishing feature is the red-black ring on its neck. They have a red beak and tail color ranging from turquoise to yellow or white. Some of those bred in captivity have entire bodies in different colors. They are known for their talking and problem-solving skills.
They get bored quickly and need to be kept engaged if you don’t want them chewing everything down. In the wild, they live in groups and make loud noises. They are herbivores and eat grains, fruits, seeds, nuts, and flowers. Their native habitat is the Indian subcontinent and some regions of Africa, but many feral colonies now exist in many parts of the world as a result of the pet trade.

These are the amazing green birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.