Just like humans, animals too have different personalities. Some of them are very aggressive while some are very calm. It is fun to have calm animals as a pet, they can be a mood-lifter and a great friend to share your room with. It is important to note that, some animals can be calm but they still do not get along well with humans. So, this article is all about the calm animals or you can say the ones who get along well with humans. Without further ado, let’s get on to this, Here is the list of 10 calmest animals in the world.
Calmest Animals In The World
1. Doves
It is a symbol of peace for many centuries. Being docile creatures, they possess an affectionate personality. They have a shy demeanour. Though there are more than a hundred species of Doves, only a few of them are available as pets. Can you believe, they can live for over 20 years and are very easy to care for. It is one of the most popular calmest animals in the world.

2. Capybaras
A fact that no one could ever deny is that Capybaras are one of the friendliest wild animals in the world. It is a semi-aquatic animal that is around four feet long and weighs around 150 pounds. They have a super chill nature and get along well with elephants, camels, birds, and even humans.
Do you know which animal adores them the most? Monkeys. It is because of their kind and compassionate gesture of serving as a means of transportation for birds and monkeys. They are very social and welcoming, they feel depressed when left in isolation.
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3. House Cats
It is a myth that the cats are standoffish loners. If you don’t believe me, you can ask anyone with a house cat. There are times when felines do not show much interest in things but they are full of love and affection. They reciprocate your love. Moreover, cats are very smart and clean. They won’t poop around, in the house. What else do you want from a four-pawed housemate? They can be your best friends.

4. Dolphins
Scientists claim that Dolphins are the friendliest residents of the sea. Interestingly, in Greek mythology, they are considered good luck omen. Also, they rank among one the smartest animals in the world. Having a playful nature, they dance and jump around in groups, known as pods. They can travel in superpods with more than a thousand individuals.
Their favorite activity involves chasing the boats and ships. They are a great help to humans. They can easily scare away sharks and can be trained for military purposes like guarding vessels, locating and collecting the lost objects et cetera. Sadly, Dolphins are on the verge of extinction. You can find them frolicking anywhere around the coasts of Florida and Hawaii to South Africa and New Zealand.

5. Rabbits
They are the friendliest hoppers. Since Roman times, or even before, rabbits have been one of the most domesticated animals in the world. This cute-faced animal can easily get along with humans and other animals. They live in underground tunnels, also known as warrens. An incredible fact about the rabbits is that they can see 360 degrees around them. In a single long jump, they can cover a distance of ten feet. One of the best things about them is that they love to keep their space clean, just like cats. So, having them as a pet does not involve a lot of labor.

6. Bearded Dragons
Have you ever heard about a friendly reptile? If not, then this is the one. These dragons can grow up to 24 inches in length. There are around eight species of bearded dragons and they are mostly found in Australia. Interestingly, they have a superpower through which they can change the color of their beard according to their mood. Their lifespan is around fifteen years or more. Since this animal is cold-blooded it lives in warm temperatures to survive. Despite their affectionate personality, they can become aggressive if someone tries to threaten them.

Image Source: Wikimedia
7. Equus caballus
Equus caballus, commonly known as Horses, has a very unique personality. They are royal and majestic. The domestication of horses started in 4000 B.C. and it continues till now. There are more than four hundred breeds of horses across the world. Do you know that psychology says that horses have the tendency to calm us? They can make you feel aligned and tranquil. Sometimes, all you need is a companion and that need not be a person all the time. A horse can be your trotting friend.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Sheep
Sheep is one of the cutest farm animals. It was one of the first animals to be domesticated in the world. Their innocent eyes and fluffy wool reflect their gentle personalities. They have a strong emotional connection with their loved ones or you can say their families. If you will carefully observe a flock of sheep, you will notice that they stand in groups; with their families. A lesser-known fact is that a female sheep is known as a ‘ewe’ and a male sheep is known as a ‘ram’.
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9. Llamas
Their scientific name is Lama Glama. Llamas are mostly found in Andean Cultures in South America. It is considered a sacred animal in this culture. They call them ‘silent brothers’. Interestingly, the males are known as studs or machos and the females are known as dams. Belonging to the camel family, they have a very calm and lovable personality. Being that, various hospitals and therapy centers use them as therapy animals. An incredible fact about them is that people can safely hug them and they genuinely hug them back. Moreover, their dried dung can be used as fuel to run ships and trains.
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10. Swans
This name comes from the Indo-European word Swen which means to sing. It is one of the fastest water birds with a speed of 22 miles per hour. They also rank among one of the largest birds in the world. The male swans are known as cobs and the females are known as pens. Their characteristics are remarkable. They develop a very deep and beautiful bond with their mate and stay with the one they love for life. Studies say that only 3% of them get divorced. Moreover, swans are very defensive in nature. They can go up to any extent to protect their loved ones. The Mute Swan is listed as one of the largest birds in the world by body weight.
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These are the top 10 calmest animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.