With more than 10,000 living species around the world, birds are one of the most beautiful creatures of mother nature enthralling minds and soothing souls. Their amazingly colorful feathers capture the attention of every bird lover. Birds are widely spread across the globe with varied habitats, behavior, feeding habits, etc. Birds are found in a variety of colors but here is a list that explains about top ten types of majestic yellow birds in the world.
Types Of Yellow Birds
1. American goldfinch
The American goldfinch is a beautiful little finch in Ohio that possesses a small head, long wings, and a short notched tail. Males are bright yellow with black forehead and wings while females are dull yellow below and olive above with two distinct wing bars. Also, they are commonly found in weedy fields, cultivated areas, roadsides, orchards, and backyards. It is also popular as one of the amazing birds of Iowa. Moreover, the American goldfinch is one of the smallest birds in the world gathering in large flocks while feeding and migrating. It is also listed as one of the common types of finches found in Colorado.
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2. American yellow warbler
American yellow warbler is one of the most widely spread American wood-warblers. It is a small passerine bird with a bright yellow body, slight greenish tinge, and greenish yellow tails. Also, Males have reddish streaks from head to down their breasts, and bellies. However, females are also yellow, but not as bright as males. Also, it is a New World Warbler species widespread across most of North America. American yellow warbler forages restlessly with quick hops along small branches and tweaks to feed on caterpillars and other insects.
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3. Western yellow wagtail
The Western Yellow Wagtail is a majestic and small passerine bird species inhabiting favoring wet meadows, marshland, and grassy and muddy lakeshores. It is interesting to note that Western yellow wagtail forms large night-time roosts in trees and tall grass in swamps. Also, this gregarious bird species has an extremely large range and is found commonly in Northwest Africa, westernmost Europe, western and northern Alaska, and Also Asia. Also, it is a migratory bird species that prefer to spend their winters in the warm regions of Southeast Asia and Africa.

4. Eurasian gold Oriole
Eurasian gold Orioles are small shy song Birds with distinctive features. Males are golden yellow in color with black wings and yellow-tipped coverts. While females are almost greenish with a yellowish-white belly. It is interesting to know that it is very difficult to spot these birds in the canopy due to their secretive habits. Also, they are widely spread across Western Europe, Scandinavian, and China and live in a variety of habitats ranging from open broadleaf forests and plantations, copses, riverine forests, Orchards, large gardens, to mixed coniferous forests.
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5. Cape weaver
Cape Weaver is an amazing stocky long Bird with streaked olive-brown upperparts and a long pointed conical bill. Cape weavers are particularly endemic to Africa and are a commonly occurring bird species in grassland, agricultural, and fynbos habitats, often near rivers. Also, it feeds on a variety of seeds, grains, and insects. It is interesting to note that Cape Weavers have perfect skin of nest weaving. In fact, it naturally comes by birth (instant behavior or inherited). Moreover, they move around in flocks often mixing with other bird species, and can travel upto 20 km to collect food and other nest material.

6. Black-crested bulbul
Black-crested Bulbul is a majestic bird species widely spread across the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. It is a greenish-yellow bulbul with a dark head and crest and pale eyes giving it an angry or surprised look. Found commonly in forests ranging from lowlands, and foothills to sub mountain areas these gregarious bird species are often found in pairs or small groups(seldom forming large groups). Moreover, it is an acid in bird species of the bulbul family and sings melodiously to attract attention.

7. Yellow golden pheasant
The yellow golden pheasant is one of the most popular bird species native to Western and Central China. This colorful bird species has a golden-yellow crest with a light tinge of red at the tip. Also, it is one of the most beautiful yellow bird species in the world and also one of the Birds with the longest tails in the world. It is commonly found inhabiting mountainous and dense forests, Woodlands, and sparse undergrowth. It commonly feeds on insects, berries, seeds, and other vegetation.

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8. Golden palm weaver
Found commonly in coastal savannah and scrub, the Golden palm weaver is a gregarious bird species found in eastern Africa. It is also found in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania. It is a majestic bird species with a bright yellow body combined with a tail and light brown streaks on its wings. Males have most of the orange head bordered by a chestnut brown crescent on the breast. Also, it has been commonly found making the nest of thin palm leaves woven into a hollow ball and primarily feeds on seeds, fruits, berries, and insects.

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9. Golden parakeet
Also known as Golden Conure, Golden Parakeet is native to the Amazon basin of Northern Brazil and South America. It has bright yellow plumage and green flight feathers. Also, this beautiful bird species have been listed as endangered. Moreover, these are very special types of parrots that tend to steal the heart of every bird lover and capture everyone’s attention. A golden parakeet is a vocal bird and can produce various types of sweet sounds. Also, these are very intelligent birds found commonly perching in humid forests, specifically tall trees, and seasonally flooded forests. It is one of the most beautiful types of yellow birds in the world.

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10. Mexican yellow grosbeak
Mexican yellow grosbeak is a gregarious bird species native to the Pacific slope of Mexico. It is a brilliant yellow bird species with rich Golden yellow plumage and a combination of black and white Color, a short greyish bill, and a long tail. It is an easily identifiable bird species and is commonly found in semi-open habitats with brush and thickets including semi-open Woodland and scrubland. Also, it is a melancholy Bird that sings a series of sweet and slow whistles. However, it is a non-migratory bird that stays all year round in the range of its natural habitat.

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11. Yellow-Headed Blackbird
The yellow-headed blackbird scientifically known as Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus and the only member of the genus Xanthocephalus. It can grow upto a length of 8.3 to 10.2 inches with an avarage wieght of 1.6 to 3.5 oz. The total wingspan of the bird species is 16.5 to 17.3 inches. Talking about their appearance, they have fairly large heads along with a stout body and a long, conical bill. The primary diet includes insects and seeds that include beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers.

12. Yellow-Throated Vireo
The yellow-throated vireo scientifically known as Vireo flavifrons is a small American songbird. It can grow upto a length of 5.1 to 5.9 inches in length and weighs between 0.5 to 0.7 oz. The total wingspan of the bird species is 9.1 in (23 cm). The primary diet includes insects thriving on high trees, however, it is also seen eating berries, especially before migration. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 6 to 7 years in the wild.

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13. Dickcissel
The dickcissel scientifically known as Spiza americana is one of the small types of yellow birds belonging to the family Cardinalidae. Talking about their appearance, they come with brightly-colored vireo with yellow throat and spectacles. The underparts are olive along with gray wings with two bold white wing bars. It prefers to eat insects and seeds during the breeding season and after the migration, it feeds on seeds such as grasses, willows, and buckwheat.

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14. Evening Grosbeak
The evening grosbeak scientifically known as hesperiphona vespertina belongs to the finch family Fringillidae. These bird species were seen in North America. It feeds on seeds, nuts along with invertebrates, fruits, and insects. It can grow upto 6.3-8.7 inches and wieght between 1.4 to 3 oz. The varage lifespan of the bird species is upto 16 years in the wild.

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15. Common Yellowthroat
The common yellowthroat scientifically known as Geothlypis trichas belongs to the New World warbler. It is also known as a yellow bandit and is seen in the regions of southern Canada to central Mexico. It can grow upto a length of 4.3 to 5.1 inches in length with an avarage wieght between 0.3 to 0.3 oz. The total wingspan of the bird species is 5.9 to 7.5 inches. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 11 to 12 years in the wild.

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16. Wilson’s Warbler
Wilson’s Warbler is among the smallest warblers in the world. Talking about their appearance, they have a bright yellow below and yellowish olive above. The beautiful black eyes stand separately on their yellow cheeks. The young ones have olive crowns and yellow eyebrows. The diet of the bird species mostly includes insects that include bees, wasps, beetles, caterpillars, and aphids. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is six years in the wild, however, there are records that they can live upto 8 years.

These are the 16 types of yellow birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.