Indeed, birds are one of the most beautiful creations of mother nature enchanting everyone with their distinctive characteristics. Colourful Birds is one of the aesthetic wonders of nature. There are many commonly seen colour combinations in birds but one of the most common and appreciated combinations is the yellow and black colour. This combination is commonly exhibited in a large number of bird species ranging from Finches, warblers, to tanagers, meadowlarks, and many more. So, here is a list that explains the top ten most beautiful and amazing black and yellow birds species of the world.
Yellow And Black Birds
1. Citrine Wagtail
Citrine Wagtail is a majestic bird species possessing a yellow head with dark edges, dark nape, and a black bill. This spectacularly combined bird species looks fantastic because of its bright yellow colour. Also, most of these bird species belong to the watery habitats and are widely spread over much of Asia and somehow to Western Europe. Moreover, it is a migratory bird that prefers to migrate towards the Asian continent especially South Asia during winters most preferably in highland areas.
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2. American goldfinch
The American goldfinch is a beautiful little Finch bird of Iowa with a fantastic combination of bright yellow body and black wings and a tail. This is the primary reason it is listed as one of the amazing types of yellow birds in the world. However, males exhibit a much brighter yellow colour with a black crown than females. Also, it has a small head, long wings, and a short notched tail. It is a migratory and smallest bird commonly seen finches in Colorado. This species is widely spread across North America and is a state bird of New Jersey Iowa and Washington. American goldfinch feeds on a variety of food like seeds, weeds, grasses, other vegetation. It is also listed as one of the common types of birds in Pennsylvania.
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3. Yellow-browed bulbul
Yellow-browed bulbul is one of the amazing bird species with a spectacular combination of black and yellow. Its body is mainly yellow on the undersides and olive above with a distinct yellow brow. This majestic bird species is widely spread across Sri Lanka and Southern India. Also, it is a passerine bird species famous for singing a large number of sweet and melodious notes and can be easily identified because of its mesmerizing voice. Yellow-browed bulbul often inhabits foothills and lower montane forest, especially in moist areas and mainly feeds on berries, insects, etc.

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4. Western Tanager
Western Tanager is one of the most attractive bird species possessing a bright yellow body, reddish-orange head, black wings, and tail. Western Tanager is an American songbird widely spread across Western North America. It is a migratory bird species commonly found in open Woodlands, particularly in evergreen and conifer forests. Also, it is a social bird that tends to form small flocks and also prefers to mix with other species. They feed on a variety of food like dried fruit, fresh fruits especially freshly cut oranges.

5. Scott’s Oriole
Most commonly found in high deserts and mountain slopes of the South Western United States and Central Mexico, Scott’s Oriole is one of the majestic bird species with a perfect combination of black and yellow. It has a black body (upper parts), stretching from breast back and wings to tails accompanied with yellow lower parts. Scott’s Oriole is commonly found perching on tall trees, especially pines and is easy to identify because of its bright colors. Also, they feed on a variety of fruits including invertebrates, fruit, nectar, insects, etc.

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6. Hooded Oriole
The hooded Oriole is a medium size bird having a brilliant black and yellow-orange body. Males are generally pale yellow and have black faces, tails, and wings with two prominent white bars. However, females have a yellow accent with some olive shade, this majestic bird species is popularly known as “the bird of palm trees” because it is famous for making its nest underside the palm fronds. Also, they are commonly found perching and hopping in open Woodlands with scattered trees such as cottonwoods, willows, and especially palm trees and mainly feed on nectar, fruit, and small insects.

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7. Eastern Meadowlark
Eastern Meadowlark is a medium-sized bird species widely spread across the South Western and eastern United States. It is interesting to note that this majestic bird species is considered an open songster of fields and meadows. Also, it has bright yellow underparts, streaks of black and brown on the upper parts with the ‘V’ band going across the chest. It is a chunky, flat-headed Bird with a short tail, rounded wings, and a pointed bill. Moreover, males generally sing beautiful and flute-like songs, particularly from exposed perches. Also, these are commonly found in habitats in the grasslands, wetlands, farm fields, etc.

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8. Evening Grosbeak
Belonging to the family of Finches, Evening Grosbeak is one of the majestic passerine finches in Ohio with a black and yellow body and a short tail. Males have a bright yellow stripe over the eye, a white patch in the wings, and a heavyset Flinch with a thick conical bill. Also, females are mostly grey and have black wings, a yellow tinge at the neck, and a stock bill. Evening Grosbeaks are social Birds and are mostly found in flocks during the winter season inhabiting the deciduous and coniferous forest mostly at a higher elevation.

9. Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Yellow-headed Blackbird is a medium-sized bird species with a black body, Golden yellow head, and a white patch on the wing. Also, their preferred habitat is marshes in North America mainly on the West coast of the Great Lakes. Moreover, These are commonly found in western and prairie wetlands (nesting in reeds directly over the water). Also, yellow-headed black Birds are social birds and look impressive in winters when they form huge flocks across the farmlands.

10. European goldfinch
The European goldfinch is a majestic bird species mainly native to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. European goldfinch is a small passerine bird species with a red face, black and white head along with brown upperparts, and white underparts. However, males and females are identical but females have slightly smaller red areas on the face. Also, it is one of the most commonly seen bird species in Europe and a very famous captive Bird at pet stores. This small colorful Finch is found in a wide variety of habitats especially open, partially wooded lowlands.

11. Flame-throated bulbul
The flame-throated bulbul scientifically known as Rubigula gularis belongs to the bulbul family of passerine birds. The bird species has been declared the state bird of Goa and is native to the forests of the Western Ghats in southern India. Talking about their appearance, it comes with a blackhead along with a bright red throat and pale eyes. It loves to thrive in areas of scrubby foothill forest along with overgrown and degraded forest edges. The avarage lifespan of the Yellow-throated bulbul is between 10 to 14 years.

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12. Silver-eared Mesia
The silver-eared mesia scientifically known as Leiothrix argentauris is a bird species that comes from South East Asia. The bird species primarily feed on insects and their larvae, however, it is also seen eating fruits and extent seeds. Talking about their appearance, it comes with a blackhead along with a bright silver ear and orange underparts. There is a bright red wing patch on the body of the bird species.

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13. Orange-Breasted Trogon
The orange-breasted trogon scientifically known as Harpactes oreskios belongs to the family of birds Trogonidae. Talking about their appearance, there is an orange-yellow underpart in both males and females species of birds. The adult male species comes with a cinnamon-brown back and a yellow-green head, however, the female species can be identified with a duller brown back and less extensive yellow on the underparts. The orange-Breasted trogon’s eating habits are insectivorous in nature.

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14. Wilson Warbler
The Wilson warbler scientifically known as Cardellina pusilla belongs to the New World warbler. Talking about their appearance, it has olive-green upperparts along with a bright yellow face and underparts. The tail is also olive-green that moves up and down or even in a circular fashion. The Wilson warbler was first described in the year 1811 by the American ornithologist Alexander Wilson. The group of warblers is known by different names such as “bouquet”, “confusion”, “fall”, and “wrench” of warblers.

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15. Western Meadowlark
The western meadowlark scientifically known as Sturnella neglecta is medium-sized bird species that can grow upto 8.5 inches in length. It mostly nests in the open grasslands across western and central North America. They have a unique distinctive black “V” on the breast with brown above and yellow below the symbol. The avarage wieght of the bird species is 3.1 to 4.1 oz with a total wingspan of 16.1 inches. The avarage lifespan of a western meadowlark in captivity is 10 years.

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16. Sooty-Capped Bush-Tanager
The sooty-capped bush tanager also known as sooty-capped chlorospingus is a small passerine bird that belongs to the family Thraupidae. The bird species are endemic to the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. Sooty-Capped Bush-Tanager primarily feeds on insects, spiders, and small fruits. One of the beautiful yellow and black birds looks similar to Common Chlorospingus, however, the only difference is a white spot behind the eye and not a long eyebrow.

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These are the beautiful yellow and black birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.