There are more than 10,000 species of birds around the world still bird watching is often overlooked when it comes to wildlife experience. Ranging from passerines birds to wading birds there are countless species to see and enjoy. Birds are found in a variety of colors, are widely distributed, and have varied behavior. All this is worth watching to have a mesmerizing experience, especially for bird lovers. Here is a list that explains the popular black birds with blue heads,
Black Birds With Blue Heads
1. The Purple Sunbird
The purple sunbird is a beautiful bird species found commonly in the regions of south and South East Asia and also extending to some parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The purple sunbird is a small size Bird that has metallic blue and purple all over the body with maroon feathers on the breast. Also, the name “Purple Bird” has come from the male species whose feathers reflect a metallic purple shade under the soft sunlight.Females have creamish golden underbody d and rusty brown upperparts making them almost invisible in the branches of the tree. Also, they are non-migratory birds species and are found commonly in the forest and garden land including dense urban areas. Moreover, the purple sunbird is a vociferous bird species singing sweet, loud, and strident chewing, chewing, accompanied by a cracking rattle. Also, it flits about all year round in backyards.
Also Read: Top 10 Types of Birds That Are Blue In Colour

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2. The Common Grackle Bird
One of the amazing Missouri birds with blue heads, the common Grackle is a gregarious bird species with a taller and longer tail than other typical black Birds. Also, they have more tapered bills and glossy iridescent bodies. These are commonly found in a variety of habitats such as open woodland and marshes, suburban areas, parks, gardens, and open agricultural fields. Moreover, it prefers to nest in dense trees, especially near water bodies. Furthermore, common crackles prefer to nest in small colonies.Males generally perch in adjacent treetops to sing their creaking and grating songs. Common graphical mostly forage on the ground or wading in very shallow water and feed on a variety of insects like grasshopper caterpillars spiders earthworms crayfish etc. Also, it is a migratory bird often migrating in flocks and gathering in noisy groups high in trees, especially in evergreen forests. Furthermore, Common grackle nests in places like birdhouses, old Woodpecker holes, barns, etc.
Also Read: 10 Extinct Birds In The World

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3. The Rook Bird
Most commonly found across Palearctic regions of Scandinavia, Western Europe, and eastern Siberia, the Rook bird is a large black feathered bird with a bluish-purple Sheen on the head, neck, and shoulders (visible in bright sunlight). It also has a bare grey-white skin around the base of the bill in front of the eyes. The rook bird is most similar to the crow and raven in appearance. Moreover, its preferred habitat is most commonly the top of tall trees, farmlands, gardens, fields, etc. Also, Rook birds feed mainly on invertebrates including small vertebrates, carrion, plant material, and scrapes of all kinds Commonly in agricultural areas on pastures, fallows, and occasionally in trees.
Furthermore, It is a gregarious bird species and a very sociable bird that tends to form large flocks and mix with other bird species. Also, it is considered quite an intelligent bird. Traditionally, rook birds are said to the weather forecaster and can sense the approach of death. Moreover, it was believed that if the colonial nesting area of rooks is abandoned then it is a symbol of bad fortune for the landowners. And also it was believed that rooks are responsible for escorting the souls of the virtuous dead to heaven.
Also Read: Top 10 Beautiful Orange and Black Birds

4. The Starling Bird
Commonly native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, and also some regions of Northern Australia, the islands of the tropical Pacific, Starlings are one of the majestic bird species belonging to the family of Sturnidae. It is interesting to note that this majestic bird species appeared black error distance but at a closer look, they have a glossy green and Purple iridescent plumage. Starlings generally feed on seeds, berries, and also the larvae of crane flies. It is a small passerine bird species and a gregarious bird that loves to quickly form large flocks showing its social behavior. Also, during the winter it is common to see starling murmuration.
All these bird species usually gather in flocks to perform amazing aerobatic displays in their favored roost sites. Murmurations also attract other starlings to the roost, the numbers seem to grow with each outing. Moreover, birds travel several miles to join in and pack themselves in like avian sardines to a density of up to 500 birds a cubic meter. But Unfortunately, the starling population has been declining continuously due to changing land-use practices.

5. The Purple Martin
The Purple Martin is a beautiful bird species native to North America. It is a medium-sized bird with blackish-blue feathers. Purple Martins have a large, broad-chested swallow with a slightly hooked bill and long tapered wings. Males are generally iridescent with dark purple-blue bodies and brown-black wings and tails. Also, it has an iridescent Sheen generally caused by the refraction of incident light which gives them a Purple appearance.
It is a migratory bird species popularly known for its speed, agility, and gliding flight pattern. Moreover, these passerine bird species are capable of uttering a large number of voice notes. Purple Martin generally feeds on a wide variety of flying insects such as winged ants, bees, bugs, etc, and also aerial insects like a dragonfly. It is interesting to note that The Purple Martin not only gets all its food in flight but it also gets from waterways too. It skims the surface of a pond and scoops up the water with its lower bill.

6. Brewer’s blackbird
The brewer blackbird scientifically known as euphagus cyanocephalus is a medium-sized bird species belonging to the family New World blackbird. Brewer’s blackbird was named after the ornithologist Thomas Mayo Brewer. It can grow upto 8 to 10.3 inches and have an average wieght of 63 gms. The total wingspan of the bird species is 15.5 inches. It is mostly seen in the open and semi-open areas of central and western North America.
Brewer’s blackbird appears in colonies and is most visible in parking lots. It primarily feeds on seeds and insects, however, they are also seen eating berries. It is also seen catching insects in flight. They are also known for their social birds and have colonies of upto 100 birds. Talking about their appearance, they have a black body with a blueish or purplish head depending on the location.

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7. Indigo bunting
Indigo bunting scientifically known as Passerina cyanea is a small seed-eating bird belonging to the cardinal family known as Cardinalidae. It can grow between 11.5 to 13 cm and only male species will be listed under black birds with blue heads during the breeding season to attract the female, rest for another season is brown, however, the female species is brown year-round. The diest of the burd species includes insects during the summer months and seeds during the winter months. The total wingsspan of the bird species is between 18 to 23 cm and the avarage wieght is 14.5 gms.
Indigo bunting was mostly seen in the regions of open deciduous woods, second-growth woodland, and farmland of southern Canada, Maine, Florida, and southern Nevada. They are closely related to the lazuli bunting and interbreeds. The avarage lifespan of Indigo bunting is upto 10 years in the wild.

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So, this is all about the amazing black birds with blue heads found across the world in varied habitats. Some are migratory and some are resident birds that can also be found in backyards. Some remain hidden in the forest but their chatting is very easily identifiable from a faraway distance.