Birds are some of the most brilliant creatures of the animal kingdom. Nothing is more soothing for heart and mind than finding colorful birds around us. However, how birds get orange and black color varies from species to species and is highly influenced by various factors like eating habits, habitats, geographical area, and of course genus. One reason for the appearance of such color is the result of carotenoid pigments in their diet, as well as their metabolism processes. The bird species range from Baltimore Orioles to black-headed grosbeak, below is a list of the top 15 most beautiful orange and blackbirds in the world.
Orange and Black Birds
1. Black-headed grosbeak
Belonging to the family of Cardinalidae, the black-headed grosbeak are hefty seed-eating birds with very large bills basically conical and thick at the base. They have large heads with short thick necks and short tails imparting a compact chunky look. Sometimes, they are also known by the name of Rose-breasted grosbeak. They prefer to live in deciduous and mixed wooded areas with large trees and thick bushes. Also, black-headed grosbeak basically feeds on pine and other seeds, berries, fruits, etc.
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2. Orchard oriole
Known as the smallest species of icterid, Orchard oriole slim songbirds with rounded heads, long tails, and a straight sharply pointed bill. These are beautiful migratory birds and most commonly found along river edges, semi-open areas with deciduous trees. It is interesting to note that Orchard oriole nest in groups often with multiple nests in a single tree. They feed on a variety of fruits, nectar, insects, and seeds(their diet is subject to change as the season changes). Also, their color pattern varies with gender. Males are unique rich chestnut-brown color with the blackhead whereas females are dull yellow-green with white wing bars.
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3. Red-winged blackbird
Red-winged blackbirds are glossy birds in Pennsylvania that are hard to be mistaken. These are one of the most abundant birds across North America and one of the most boldly colored. Red-winged blackbirds have red and yellow shoulder badges with long and sharply pointed bills. Females are crisply streaked and dark brownish overall. However, males are black with a red shoulder patch and have rusty feather edges in the winter. These birds are widely spread throughout North America and inhabit open grassy areas, wetlands, freshwater, and saltwater marshes.
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4. Scarlet tanager
Scarlet tanager is a beautiful word with a brilliant red body and hence popular as one of the birds with red on the head accompanied by black wings and tail. These are one of the most exotic species of the northeastern Woodlands and are fairly common in the oak forest but remain out of sight as they forage in the leafy upper branches. Scarlet tanager basically inhabits in deciduous forests, maple, beech, and also sometimes in mixed-pine oakwoods foraging in tall trees. They basically feed on insects berries and also eat wild fruits including mulberry sumac and others. However, the winter death of this species is poorly known.
Also Read: Top 10 Birds With Orange Beak

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5. Vermilion flycatcher
Vermilion flycatchers are gorgeous small passerine birds with grey-black upperparts, Scarlet-red crown, throat, and underparts. However, males have bright red crowns, chests with brownish wings and tails and females lack vivid red coloration. These are most commonly found in open oak Woodlands of the arid regions of south and Central Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. It is interesting to note that these birds spend a long time sitting on exposed perches, including the top of shrubs and fence lines, looking for flying insects.
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6. Black-and-orange Flycatcher
Black-and-orange Flycatcher is a bird species endemic to the central and Southern Western ghats the Nilgiris and Palli hill ranges in Southern India. This distinctively colored Bird is commonly found in the high elevation areas specifically hill ranges. The males are distinctively black-headed with black wings and females are dark brown with light eye-ring. These birds are commonly seen in pairs and sometimes in singles. These birds basically feed on insects and forage on the ground and in dense undergrowth.
Also Read: Top 7 Black Birds With Orange Wings

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7. Northern Red Bishop
Native to Africa, Northern Red Bishop is a small passerine bird belonging to the family of Ploceidae. These colorful small gregarious bird species are commonly found in open habitats including agriculture areas and edges of marshes, tall grasslands, cultivated land areas near water, etc. Also, Northern Red Bishop is bright reddish-orange in color with a black face, crown, and brown wings, flocking in numbers of tens to hundreds. This species feeds mostly on grass seeds and forage on the ground or within grass and weed stems.
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Image Source: Jason Mrachina
8. Eurasian Hoopoe
The Eurasian Hoopoe is the most widespread species across Europe, Asia, and the northern half of Africa. These are very colorful birds and are notably recognized for their distinctive “crown of feathers”. Eurasian Hoopoes have zebra-striped wings, a Chinese fan of the crest, and a rapier of the bill. These gregarious bird species are found in habitats such as heathland, farmland, orchards, grassy lawns, and feed on the ground, probing with their long bill for insects.
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9. Altamira Oriole
Altamira Oriole is brilliant orange and blackbird species widely spread across subtropical lowlands of the Mexican, gulf coast and northern Central America, the Pacific coast, and inland. They have flame orange and black bodies with white highlights in wings and a distinctive Orange patch at the shoulder. It is interesting to note that, Altamira Oriole sings rich, sweet whistles NR easy to find as often come to feeding stations, particularly at parks and national wildlife refuges. Also, these are most commonly detected in the morning, when male birds sing the most especially in spring and summer.
Also Read: Top 5 Black Birds With Blue Head

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10. Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole is a beautiful small blackbird found commonly in eastern North America. They have a sturdy body, a longish tail, long legs, and a thick pointed bill. Also, males are stunningly bright orange with blackhead, bold white wing bars. However, females vary from yellowish to bright orange. Also, it is interesting to note that unlike Robins and many other fruit-eating birds, this bird species feed mainly on ripe, dark-colored fruit and prefer dark mulberries, reddish cherries, and deep-purple grapes. It is also listed as one of the most popular Missouri birds in the world.
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11. Common Black Hawk
The common black hawk scientifically known as Buteogallus anthracinus belongs to the family Accipitridae which also includes eagles, hawks, and Old World vultures. The adult species can grow between 43 to 53 cm and the avarage wieght is 930 gms. Talking about their appearance, the bill and the legs are bright orange-yellow in color. The bird species look similar to zone-tailed hawks, however, some of the white bars on their tail are larger in size. The breeding region o the hawk species includes the Southwestern United States, Central America Venezuela, Peru, Trinidad, and the Lesser Antilles.

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12. Bank Myna
The bank myna scientifically known as Acridotheres ginginianus is myna seen in the northern parts of South Asia. The bird species are seen in different countries namely Taiwan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. It is locally known as Ganga myna (Hindi), Gang Salik (Bengali), Barad myna (Bihar), Bardi myna (Nepal), Lali (Sind), and Daryla myna (Uttar Pradesh). Talking about their apperance, they have a blackhead crown along with sides and the upper plumage is salty grey. The bill of bank myna is short and comes in shiny orangish-yellow color making it one of the most amazing orange and black birds in the world.

13. Asian Pied Starling
The Asian pied starling also known as pied mynas mostly seen in the regions of South and Southeast Asia. The local names include Gursal, Ablak, and Ablaki Maina. The bird species loves to thrive at an elevation of 2,300 feet (700 meters) above sea level and in areas with open water sources. The diet habits are omnivorous and feed on insects mainly ants and termites. Talking about their appearance, it comes with an orange yellowish bill along with breasts that are black and cheek, lores, wing coverts, and rump white in color.

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14. Brahminy starling
The brahminy starling also known as brahminy myna belongs to the starling family of birds. Talking about their appearance, it is a creamy orange bird along with a black cap and a slight crest. It is usually seen in pairs and prefers to thrive in open habitats on the plains of South Asia. The eating habit is omnivorous and feeds on insects, however, it is also seen eating fruits. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 12 to 25 years in the wild. It is one of the most amazing orange and black birds in the world.

Image source: Lip Kee
15. Common Myna
Common Myna is a species of bird that belongs to the starling family. The bird species thrive in the regions of shrubby woodlands, open fields, floodplains, and grasslands in the wild. It can grow upto 9.1 inches in length and its avarage wieght is between 3.8 to 4.9 ounces of weight. Talking about their appearance, they have a dark brown body along with a white-tipped tail and a white patch on the bottom side of the wings. There are black feathers seen in the head, throat, and upper part of the breast, however, the eyes are encircled with bare yellow skin.

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These are the beautiful black and orange birds. Kindly share and do post your comments.