Some animals can literally make you feel wonderstruck with their colours and patterns. They are beyond human imagination. Once you see them you will think about their uniqueness and creation. Such animals are the wonders of nature. Through this article, we will introduce you to some of the most beautiful animal patterns in the world,
Animal patterns
1. Sunset Moth
You will not be able to take your eyes off this exceptional animal. The Madagascan sunset moth is full of colorful patterns. And it is not only their color bodies that are vibrant but they have an exceptional shape. For the face of it, a sunset moth can be easily misidentified as a butterfly. But both are different. Sunset moths are poisonous unlike butterflies and they use it as their defense. It is because of their distinctive beauty that artists and traditional jewelry makers use their wings to create masterpieces.
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Image Source: Wikimedia
2. Zebra
Zebra is known for the monochromatic patterns on its soft and glossy skin. Their shiny bodies have no match. A zebra can be easily identified by its pitch-black mouth and eyes and black and white stripes on their velvet soft bodies making it one of the most popular black and white animals in the world.
It can grow up to a height of 3.5-5 feet and weigh around 440-990 lbs. Furthermore, the Zebras have three types; that is plain, mountain and grey. And sadly, the last two are listed among the endangered species. If we talk about their habitat, you will find them mostly in the shrublands, grasslands, and mountains of Africa. It is also listed as one of the grassland animals in the world.
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3. Giraffe
This tallest mammal on the earth has a very distinctive body pattern. One of the long neck animals comes with dark brown patches on their skin/ beige bodies making them easily identifiable. This pattern provides them with camouflage and makes it convenient for them to blend in with their surroundings.
Moreover, this also helps them to keep away from their predators. The legs of a Giraffe are as tall as six feet or even more making it one of the biggest animals in the world. It has to kneel down on its front legs to drink water placed on the ground. Interestingly, they don’t need to drink water every day. Having it once in a few weeks is sufficient for its body.
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4. Jaguar
This is another animal with an uncommon pattern on its skin. On its silky golden coat, there are black dots in a circular shape and another black dot in between those jagged circles. It gives them the appearance of roses. This is why the pattern is known as Rosette.
Their body pattern and color help them blend well in the forest surroundings and also serves as a means of defense against predators. On average, a Jaguar can live up to the age of 15 years if left in nature and upto 25 years if in captivity. Talking about their habitat, they hover in the rainforests of North and Central America.

5. Boa Constrictors
They are non-venomous snakes that are known for their unique color patterns. Its body is full of saddle-like patterns. There are dark brown square-like patterns on their tan-colored bodies. These markings are darker at the tail. Moreover, a stripe runs from the back of the head to the tail.
As of now, there are around forty Boa species. You’ll be surprised to know that the black and white Boa has a white body floral-like blank print on it. It is truly the beauty of nature. Boa ranks among one of the largest snakes in the world. They are around 2-3 meters long and weigh around 45 kilograms or more.

Image Source: Wikimedia
6. Cheetah
The shiny black spots on the golden fur look so elegant making it open to the species with the best animal patterns in the world. Cheetah is biologically very different from other forest animals, it has an extra-large liver which provides them with instant and quick bursts of energy. Albeit, they are the fastest land animal on the earth but that comes with many drawbacks for them. An amazing fact about them is that where male Cheetahs hunt in groups, female Cheetahs are the sole warriors. They hunt alone.

7. Turtle
How exceptional is a turtle shell? Isn’t it. Their bodies are mostly grey or dark brown in color and there are block-like patterns on them. Do you know turtles are one of the oldest reptiles that exist on the earth? They are from the time of dinosaurs. Their cutest quality is the way they tuck their head inside their shell to protect themselves from predators.
These creatures are cold-blooded and their lifespan is way longer than you can expect. Till now, the turtle who lived the longest was 188 years old. The Galapagos giant tortoise is belived to have lived for more than 100 years making it one of the longest living animals in the world.

8. Peacock
A bird-like no other. It is one of the most beautiful and colorful birds in the world. It takes three years for them to grow their feather tail. And they open their feathers to the fullest which is purely a pleasure to the human eyes. They also dance with their feathers to impress the peahens.
The peahens check them out on the basis of their looks. And the size and shape of their looks matter a lot for the peahens and that’s how they make decisions about courtship. Besides their colorful bodies, they also have crests on their heads. These crests are used as censors by both genders to mate with each other.

9. Gecko
This is a very fascinating animal. It is a small lizard that is famous for its distinctive patterns and natural textiles. Coming from the Gekkonidae family, there are more than a thousand species of this animal and they are mostly found in warm places.
Interestingly, Geckos have amazingly sticky toes, using which they can stick to any surface. These sticky toes are known as toe pads. Moreover, there are different types of Geckos and each one of them is very unique when it comes to its color and pattern. You will find them in colors like neon green, white, leopard print et cetera. The lifespan of Geckos ranges around 20 years or more.

Image Source: FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
10. Ladybug
They are called many names like beetles, ladybirds, and lady beetles. There are more than five thousand species of ladybugs across the globe. Each one of them is born with a distinctive and eye-catching color and pattern. One is a popular red color animal and black spots are the most common.
Their dome-shaped body and short legs look very graceful and they cause no harm to humans. Their patterns differ from species to species. They have stripes, dots, or no markings at all. Interestingly, many cultures consider ladybugs as good luck omen. It has one of the best animal patterns in the world.
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These species have the best animal patterns in the world. Kindly share and do post y our comments.