Birds are one of the most amazing creatures found on the planet Earth. Widely distributed across the world, there is a never-ending list of amazing bird species mesmerizing everyone. Ranging from different flight patterns, colorful plumage, varied habitats, distinct clauses, and songs there is an array of bird species inhabiting each and every corner of the world. So here is a list highlighting the top ten cutest and smaller birds in the world along with their distinctive characteristics and varied habitat.
1. Bee Hummingbird- (The Smallest Bird in the World )
Endemic to Cuba, the hummingbird is the smallest living bird in the World with an approximate length of 5 cm and weighing nearly 1.5- 2 grams. Male hummingbirds have bluish upperparts and greyish-white underparts while the female bird is bluish-green in color with pale grey underparts. It is interesting to note that it can beat its wing 80 times per second in the different flight patterns.
For example, the wing pattern of hummingbirds permits them to fly not only forward but also straight up and down, sideways and backward. Also, it can visit 1200-1500 flowers in a single day to suck nectar from the flowers. Moreover, hummingbirds have mainly inhabited The coastal forest of Cuba, rainforest and tropical jungles, and also the postal areas of California.
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2. Weebill- (Smallest known Bird on the Australian Continent )
Named after its short pale beak, the weebill is the smallest known bird in the Australian continent. It is about 8 to 9 cm long and has light brown feathers and yellowish underparts. Also, they have a small and thick beak that helps them to catch their prey effectively. Their unique characteristic is that they make dome-shaped nests with the help of grass vegetation and feathers. Moreover, They are non-migratory birds species and commonly found throughout the Woodlands of Australia and live in small flocks.

Image Source: Wikimedia
3. Cape Penduline Tit: (Smallest Bird of Africa)
The cape penduline tit also known as the southern penduline tit is one of the smallest birds in the world and belongs to the family Remizidae. The bird species were seen in the regions of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. It loves to thrive and create nests in regions of dry savannah, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, and Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation. It can grow upto 8 cm in length making it one of the smallest birds in Africa followed by the grey penduline tit and the mouse-colored penduline tit.
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4. Goldcrest: (Smallest Birds of Europe)
Goldcrest is the smallest bird in the United kingdom making it the smallest bird in Europe. Talking about their appearance, the body is greyish-green along with a pale belly and black and yellow stripes on their heads. The male bird species has an orange center and the beak is thin making it ideal for picking insects out from between pine needles. It can grow upto 9cm and has an avarage wieght of 6 gms. The total wingspan of the bird species is 14 cm. The bird species can be easily seen during autumn and winter.
Goldcrest is also one of the smallest songbirds that can lay up to 12 eggs in a clutch which is approximately one and a half times the weight of the total weight of female species. The male Goldcrest has a bright orange crown along with edged with black, however, females come with a yellow crown. Firecrest is also a similar bird, howvever, it is rare and identified with the help of black eyestripe and broad white eyebrow stripe.

5. Calliope Hummingbird: (Smallest Bird of North America)
Calliope Hummingbird is the smallest bird in North America and can measure upto 3 inches long with an avarage wieght of 3.93 grams. These bird species can easily survive cold summer nights at higher elevations and there are some species that have been seen migrating every year from Canada all the way to southern Mexico. The diet primarily includes nectar and insects. The nector can be taken from flowers, howvever, they are also seen feeding on sugar-water mixtures in hummingbird feeders.
The female species of Calliope Hummingbird take care of young ones and keep them warm between feeding bouts, especially during the night hours. The young ones will start flying between 18 to 21 days. It likes to breed at 4,000 feet up to near treeline and in the regions of forest glades, canyons, and mountains.

Image Source: Wikimedia
6. Esmeraldas Woodstar: (Smallest Bird of South America)
Esmeralda’s Woodstar scientifically known as Chaetocercus berlepschi is a species of hummingbird that belongs to the family Trochilidae. The bird species can only be seen on the Pacific coast of western Ecuador and loves to thrive in semi-deciduous and evergreen forests. The primary diet includes nectar of flowering shrubs and trees. The bird species population is Vulnerable primarily because of deforestation.
Esmeraldas Woodstar locally known as asolibrí de Esmeraldas or estrellita esmeraldeña because of its tiny size. It comes in an amazing color combination of striking violet, green, and white plumage. It can measure upto 2.5 inches long and is locally known as Estrellita (little star) by the population. The population of the bird is continuously decreasing and it is an endangered species according to International Union for Conservation of Nature.

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7. Pale-billed Flowerpecker: (Smallest Bird of Asia)
The pale-billed flowerpecker also known as Tickell’s flowerpecker most seen in teh regions of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and western Myanmar. It is scientifically known as Dicaeum erythrorhynchos and can be easily seen in urban gardens with bearing trees. It can grow upto 8 cm making it the smallest bird seen on the Asian continent. The bird species prey on small insects and spiders.
The dieting habits are omnivorous in nature and feed on spiders and small insects. The avarage wieght of the bird species is between 4 to 8 gms. It plays a major role in the pollination of the mistletoe plants and there are two subspecies namely Dicaeum erythrorhynchos ceylonense and Dicaeum erythrorhynchos erythrorhynchos. It loves to thrive in areas of mangrove forests, deciduous forests, gardens plantations with berries, and fig trees.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Wilson’s Storm Petrel: (Smallest Bird of Antarctica)
Wilson’s storm petrel is the smallest bird of Antarctica that can grow upto length between 6 to 7.3 inches. The avarage wieght of the bird species is 40 grams. It can be easily identified in the regions of the Antarctic Peninsula, the South Shetland Islands, and the Ross Sea. The diet of the bird species includes plankton, fish, and krill.
Talking about their appearance, it comes in sooty grey to the black body along with a white belt between the breast/shoulders and the tail. The wings of the bird species are short and rounded. The avarage lifespan of Wilson’s storm petrel is 20 years in the wild. This is one of the most numerous birds in the world having a population of more than 30 million individuals. The female species is larger than the male.

Image Source: Wikimedia
Honorable mention
1. Pardalote- ( Smallest Birds Of Austria )
With a size of about 8 to 12 cm, the Pardalote is one of the smallest birds in Austria and the smallest bird in the world that inhabits the eucalypt forest throughout the country. It has a very short tail, attractive wings with black and distinctive white dots, and a stubby blunt beak. Also, it has a vibrant olive green color on the head and back. Also, they glean insects from tree leaves and bark of the tree a nest in tree holes, crannies of the building, and also dig tunnels in sandbanks and also in-ground.

2. GoldCrest- (Smallest bird In Ireland)
This beautiful bird species is the smallest songbird in Ireland with a length of about 9 cm. Also known as the” king of birds” across entire Europe, the goldcrest has been named so because of its bright yellow crown. Also, they have pale yellow underparts and olive-green upperparts and also a small attractive thin beak. Moreover, commonly found inhabiting the broadleaf forests and gardens, singing high-pitched series of notes.

These are the smallest birds in the world on different continents in the world. Kindly share and do post y our comments.