Indeed, our planet earth is home to a large number of animal species that highly varies from one another in the form of size, weight, living habitat, etc. Ranging from the majestic species of giraffe, a polar bear to the gregarious water species of Whale Shark and blue whale, there is a never-ending list to explore some of the amazing creations of mother nature belonging to the animal kingdom. So, here is a list that explains the top 16 biggest animals in the world.
Biggest Animals In The World
1. Blue whale- (Largest Animal On Earth)
The blue whale is one of the heaviest animals in the world and also the largest animal ever known to have lived on earth. Weighing about 200 tons, the blue whale is a magnificent Marine mammal and the loudest animal on Earth(even louder than a jet engine). Also, the heart of a Blue Whale is about the size of a Volkswagen beetle and it can eat about nearly four tons of krill each day. Moreover, Blue Whale has a very important role in maintaining the overall health of the Marine environment but has been listed as endangered.
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2. African elephant- (Largest Living Land Animal)
The African elephant is the largest and most useful animal walking on the earth. African elephant comprises two longest living animals named the African bush elephant and the African forest elephant. Also, African elephants are herbivores and are widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa inhabiting the tropical rainforest and arid regions.
One of the grassland animals, the African elephant’s population has been continuously declining and has been threatened by habitat loss and poaching for the illegal Ivory trade and also has been listed as critically endangered on the IUCN red list. It is also listed as one of the most popular forest animals in the world.
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3. Giraffe- (Tallest Living Animal)
The giraffe is the tallest living terrestrial animal on the planet Earth. It is the world’s tallest mammal with a long neck of about 6 feet. Also, they have long legs with animal patterns of irregular brown patches on the skin. The giraffe is commonly found in grasslands and open Woodlands and is native to Africa, particularly in East Africa. Giraffes are gregarious animal species that have excellent eyesight and can live up to 26 years in the wild and slightly longer in captivity.
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4. Saltwater crocodile-(Largest Crocodile Species)
Saltwater crocodiles are deadly predators and crawling animals in the world. It is the largest living reptile in the world with a lifespan of about 70 years and an average length of 4.5-5 meters. Also, the largest saltwater crocodile ever recorded was about 7m long. Moreover, saltwater crocodiles are one of the most intelligent and sophisticated of all reptiles. Furthermore, Saltwater crocodiles have a huge range and are native to saltwater habitats and brackish wetlands from India’s East coast across South East Asia and the Sundaic region to Northern Australia and Micronesia.
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5. Ostrich- (Largest Living Bird)
The ostrich is the heaviest and largest living bird on the Earth and also the species of large flightless bird particularly native to certain large areas of Africa. Earlier, ostriches were known as “camel birds” because of their long neck, prominent eyes, sweeping eyelashes, and jolting walk.
It is interesting to note that ostriches can tolerate high temperatures and can go without water for a long period of time. Also, its long, thick, and powerful legs can cover great distances without much effort. Moreover, Ostriches are particularly native to Africa and are found in Savanna and desert regions.

6. Polar Bear- (Largest Bear Species)
The polar bear is the largest carnivorous land mammal living on the earth. One of the amazing animals of the tundra can grow up to 7 to 8 feet long, polar bears are classified as marine mammals because they spend most of their lives on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean.
Polar bears are very attractive and appealing mammals and are also powerful predators that typically do not fear humans. Polar bears are also known as White bears or Ice Bears and are native within the range of the Arctic circles encompassing the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding landmasses.
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7. Whale Shark- (Largest Living Fish)
Whale Shark is one of the biggest animals in the world and indeed the largest of any fish ever to live on the planet Earth. It is slow-moving and an enormous fish reaching a maximum length of 18 m. Whale sharks generally feed on plankton and travel great distances to find enough food and sustain their huge size.
Also, Whale sharks are commonly found in all the tropical oceans of the world. Moreover, it is a graceful and harmless extended fish species. Also, Whale sharks have an estimated lifespan of about 60 to 100 years.

8. Indian rhinoceros- (Largest Asian Rhinoceros)
Also known as the One-horned Rhino, Indian rhinoceros are primarily native to India, Pakistan Nepal, and Bangladesh. Listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, Indian rhinoceros primarily live in the wild forest of India, especially in the grasslands of the Terai, and Brahmaputra river basins across the entire Northern part of the Indian subcontinent.
Indian rhinoceros have thick brown skin with pinkish skin folds along with one horn on its snout. It is interesting to note that among the terrestrial land mammals native to Asia, the Indian rhino is the second-largest mammal only just after to Asian elephant.

Image Source: Wikimedia
9. Goliath Beetle- (Largest Insects)
Goliath Beetles are the largest insects on earth in terms of size, bulk, and weight and are commonly found in African tropical rainforests and are also one of the biggest animals in the world. Goliath Beetle is white in color with bold black lines on its upper part and has brown wings and can grow up to 110mm long.
Also, Goliath Beetles are very strong and able to lift a load of around 850 times heavier than their own weight. Adult male Goliath Beetles generally have a Y-Shaped horn on their head (used for fighting). Moreover, females are dark brown and silky white in color.

Image Source: Princess Ruto
10. Chinese Salamander- Largest Living Amphibian
The Chinese Salamander is the largest amphibian in the world and also one of the largest salamanders in the world. This fully aquatic amphibian is endemic to the Rocky mountain streams and lakes in the Yangtze river basin of Central China. Reaching a length of more than 1.8m, it belongs to a small and ancient group of salamanders.
Also, the Chinese giant Salamander is largely threatened today mainly because of habitat loss, water pollution, and over-harvesting for human consumption in China. As a result of this, the Chinese salamander has been listed as critically endangered by the IUCN Red List.

Image Source: Wikimedia
11. Wandering albatross- (Largest Bird based on wingspan)
The wandering albatross is the largest bird in the world based on a wingspan that can reach up to 11.5 feet (3.5 meters) long. It is scientifically known as Diomedea exulans and is also listed as the largest living bird on planet Earth. The average speed of bird species is 40 km per hour. The average lifespan of the bird species is over 50 years in the wild. The unique way of defining the age is that the bird species get whiter the older they get.

12. Queen Alexandra’s birdwing- (Biggest butterfly)
Queen Alexandra’s birdwing scientifically known as Ornithoptera alexandrae is the largest species of butterfly in the world based on wingspan. The wingspan of the female species can reach up to 25 cm to 28 cm (9.8 inches to 11 inches) in length. The butterfly species can only be seen in the forests of the Oro Province in eastern Papua New Guinea. The butterfly species was first discovered by Albert Stewart Meek in the year 1906.

13. Capybara- (Largest rodent)
Capybara is one of the biggest animals in the world and the largest among the rodents on planet Earth. It is mostly seen in Central and South America. The animal species thrive in the regions of lakes, ponds, and rivers. The average lifespan of capybaras is 8-10 years in the wild and up to 12 years in captivity. The eating habits of Capybara are herbivores in nature and they feed on grass and aquatic plants mostly at night.

14. Giant clam- (Largest bivalve)
The giant clam is the largest sessile mollusk in the world. It is mostly seen in the regions of the Indian and Pacific oceans of Thailand, Japan, Micronesia, and Australia. It can reach up to 4 feet in length and weigh up to 500 pounds, however, the biggest known species is 6 feet in length. One of the largest animals in the world is beautifully colored and can come in a mixture of yellow, red, green, blue, pink, and brown colors. The average lifespan is more than 100 years in the wild.

Image Source: Wikimedia
15. Red kangaroo- (Largest marsupial)
The red kangaroo is the largest kangaroo in the world native to Australia. The average lifespan of the animal species is 8 years in the wild and up to 25 years in captivity. The male red kangaroo can reach up to 6 ft when standing. The average weight of the species is 200 lb. The female species is also known as a doe, flyer, jill, or roo, however, the male species is known as a buck, boomer, jack, or old man. The unique fact about kangaroos is that they cannot walk backward. Kangaroo is one of the biggest animals that start with k.

Image Source: Wikimedia
16. Komodo dragon- (Largest lizard)
The Komodo dragon is one of the biggest animals in the world and the largest among lizards. It is believed that these species exist for millions of years, however, they are discovered 100 years ago when a plane accidentally landed on the island. The lizard species was known because of the island they are found known as Komodo island. It can reach up to 10 feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds. The average lifespan of the lizard species is 30 years in the wild. These animals are great swimmers and they can swim from one island to another.

Image Source: Wikimedia
These are the largest or biggest animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.