It is very rare to come across someone in your life who does not like or admire butterflies. These beautiful crawling insects belong to the order of Lepidoptera, which also includes moths. They come in various wing shapes and colours. These insects, along with some moths are the only insects to have scales covering their wings. There are approximately 17500 species of butterflies scattered across the earth. They are integral to ensuring food security because of the major role they play in the process of pollination.
The following are ten types of yellow butterflies in the world.
Types of Yellow Butterflies
1. Emperor Swallowtail
These butterflies are endemic to Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zaire and South Africa. They have ornately patterned wings that have flecks of brown, pale yellow, black, grey-blue and orange. These butterflies have special ultraviolet markings on their wings, visible only under blacklight. Emperor Swallowtail primarily preys on plants and flower nectar. It loves to thrive in the regions of tropical and temperate regions. Emperor Swallowtail scientifically known as Papilionidae and belongs to the family Papilionidae and genus Papilio. The main threat to the population of butterfly species is pollution and habitat destruction.
Also Read: 10 Amazing Types Of Butterflies

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2. Owl Butterfly
The Owl Butterfly is a unique looking butterfly. The butterflies belonging to this family are significantly large in size. When they rest, the pattern on their wing resembles the eye of an owl. This owl-like appearance is enhanced by the “eyes” on their wings which are yellow and black in colour. They feed mostly between dusk and dawn and can be found in the forest of Central and South America, feeding on juicy fermented fruit, especially bananas.

3. Citrus Swallowtail
Also known as the Christmas butterfly, the Citrus Swallowtail is known to multiply quickly, leaving damaged citrus trees in its wake. It can be found in gardens, forests and savannas across South Asia and the Caribbean islands. It is known to be highly adaptable to a range of climatic factors and environments. The main threat to the population of butterfly species is habitat loss and the destruction of host plants like the prickly ash (zanthoxylum Americanum) due to pollution. The total wingspan of the butterfly is 6 inches (15.2 cm). They are mostly seen in the regions of Central America, North America, Mexico and South America. They appear in different colors such as yellow, orange, red, green and blue spots.

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4. Common Birdwing
These butterflies can be found across South Asia. These butterflies are very aesthetically pleasing, with black coloured forewings and golden yellow hind wings with black markings on their edges. Common birdwing is also known as Troides Helena belongs to the family Papilionidae. As of now, 17 subspecies of common birdwing are known to humans.
Also Read: 10 Biggest Butterflies In The World

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5. Peacock Pansy
Found across the South Asian region and even extending into Cambodia, these butterflies have different markings on the upper side and underside of their wings, most distinctly visible when it flaps its wings. The markings on the upper side of their wings closely resemble the eyespots of peacocks. The Peacock Pansy known as Junonia almana is a species of nymphalid butterfly that is seen in the regions of Cambodia and South Asia. The total wingspan of an adult butterfly is 54–62 mm (2.1–2.4 in) and has seasonal polyphenism.

6. Three Tailed Tiger Swallowtail
Mostly visiting flowers of Sage and Thistle, these Swallowtail butterflies are mostly found in Mexico, Guatemala, and Texas. While a major part of its wings is covered in black and yellow patterns, its hind wings have three tails which have small patches of blue.
Also Read: 10 Beautiful Butterflies In The World

7. Apricot Sulphur
These Butterflies are mostly found in the Central and South American continent. They have a habit of feeding on a variety of red coloured flowers. Apricot Sulphur Butterflies have vibrantly coloured wings ranging from bright orange to yellow. On occasion, some female butterflies might also have white wings. The butterfly species can be identified where upperside of male bright orange with black border on the forewing, However, colors of females vary from white to yellow, with dark or faded black borders. The total wingspan of butterfly species is between 5.4 to 6.7 cm.

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8. Sleepy Orange
With a wingspan ranging from 1.5 to 2 inches, Sleepy Orange Butterflies are mostly found in Central America and Mexico. Male butterflies have orange-toned wings, while females have paler yellow wings, with a slight brown pattern resembling a smudge on the outer hindwing. A unique feature is the change of colour in the underside of their wings from brick red in winter to yellow in the summer.

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9. Cloudless Sulphur
Found across Central America, Mexico and the South American Continent, these butterflies prefer to feed on flowers with long tubes such as hibiscus and bougainvillaea. On the upper side, the wings of the Cloudless Sulphur Butterflies are a pale yellow surrounded by uneven dark borders.

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10. Grecian Shoemaker
The Grecian Shoemaker Butterfly, also known as the Blue Frosted Banner or Stoplight Cantone, is generally found in the central USA and Mexico, as well as in the South American continent. Their wingspan ranges from 2 to 3 inches. Male butterflies belonging to this family have six orange dots on their otherwise black wings. Their female counterparts have a blue-black colour on their wings with a band of pale yellow streaking across their forewings.

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These are the beautiful types of yellow butterflies in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.