Although humans believe that they are the smartest but animals are also extremely intelligent. They can become skilled at learning innovative things, clutch languages, and can even mimic people. Today, I will be telling you about some of the smartest animals in the world.
Smartest Animals In The World
1. Octopus
An octopus is an amazing sea creature that can grow about 12-36 inches long, weighs 5-75 kg, and has a life expectancy of 1 to 3 years. It is generally yellow, red, and black or brown and found worldwide in oceans and marine water. It feeds on crabs, snails, fishes, and larval crabs. There are types of octopus venom has the capacity to kill adults.
The octopus is said to have nine brains and is the smartest invertebrate on the earth. It can camouflage according to its surroundings and uses its sharp intellect to escape difficult situations and releases shooting ink in its defense. Glass octopus is one of the transparent animals in the world.

2. Pigeon
Pigeons can grow 11 to 14 inches tall having a wingspan of 20 to 26 inches with a weight of around 0.9 to 2.1 Kg. It is generally blue, grey, black, white, and purple and found in coastal areas, tropical areas, and rural areas of North Africa, Europe, and Asia. It is having a life expectancy of around 14 to 15 years. it has about 10000 feathers on its body and its wings are strong enough and help it in flying. The rock pigeon is one of the most popular Missouri birds in the world.
Pigeon usually nourishes insects, seeds, worms, nuts, and grains. Pigeons can spread diseases like lung disorders, tuberculosis, and histoplasmosis. A pigeon is so smart that it can detect different electromagnetic waves coming out from the earth and can memorize almost 60 words. It is one of the smartest animals in the world.

3. Crow
A crow is around 16 to 21 inches long, weighing around 320 to 620 grams, and has a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years. It is found in grasslands, mountains, and near human habitations in Europe, Asia and America. The whole body of the crow is covered with feathers and its bill, legs, and feet are black.
A crow can fly at a speed of 30 to 60 mph and can dive at a speed of 70 mph. The scavenger bird is an omnivore animal and a scavenger feeding on food, seeds, birds, and fishes. Crow is known to have the largest brain and it can hide its food from other animals.

4. Pig
Pig also known as swine or hog weighs around 300 to 700 pounds with a life expectancy of 20 years. It is generally yellow or black or pink and is very clean. A domestic pig is a popular carefree domestic animal that enjoys relaxing, massaging, playing in the mud, and listening to music. It is having weak eyesight but its smelling power is immense. It is one of the smartest animals in the world.
The pig is one of the smartest animals which is even smarter than dogs. More than that, the pig has a remarkable memory and can retain information for years and years. it is also one of the animals that are used for organ transplantation. Pietrain Pig is one of the most popular animals with spots in the world.

5. African grey parrot
The African grey is a type of parrot that is around 13 inches long weighing around 0.4 Kg having a life expectancy of 40 to 60 years. It is found in the lowland rainforests of Western and Central Africa. It has grey body feathers, red tail feathers, and black beaks. It is a well-known pet due to its talking ability and expressions. Moreover, one of the smartest talking birds primarily feeds on fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetation. It is so smart that it picks up the words very easily and can use them in a proper way.

6. Dolphin
Dolphins are one of the calmest animals that measure about 71 to 108 inches, weigh around 100 to 200 Kg and have a life expectancy of 12 to 18 years. It is found in the large tropical rivers of South Africa. It has around the forehead, a long, slender beak, and conical teeth to catch its prey. It uses one flipper to swim forward and the other to swim backward. It nourishes fish, frogs, prone, and crabs. The river dolphin has an exceptionally massive brain. Common bottlenose dolphins are considered one of the most graceful animals in the world.

7. Orangutan
Orangutan is a large-bodied ape with orange pr brown hair and grows 3-4 feet long with a weight of 66-220 lb. Orangutan is one of the popular forest animals found in rainforests, freshwater, and water swamps of the Southeast Asian Islands of Borneo. Orangutan is an omnivorous animal feeding on fruits, figs, plants, leaves, flowers, insects, and bird eggs.
It is prevalently known as a gardener of the forest as it lends a hand in seed dispersal and germination. Moreover, it is deemed as a tremendously intelligent and smart animal as it makes effortless tools for aiding itself. It uses branches to shelter itself from rain, wind, and sun and also utilizes leaves as gloves to handle spiny fruits and plants.

8. Dogs
Over 400 breeds of dogs are known. A dog grows about 5-35 inches at the shoulder and weighs from 1.5 pounds to 250 pounds. A dog has an average life expectancy of 12 years. A dog is a highly social animal and holds a unique position in human households and social situations. The dog is known for its loyalty and devotion and these qualities make it a family member full of love and friendship.
A dog is an incredibly smart animal having advanced memory skills and the capability to understand voice commands. Moreover, it has a remarkable smelling capability due to which dogs are even trained and found in the military, army, and other services.
Also Read: Top 10 Most Beautiful Dog Breeds In The World

9. Raccoon
Raccoon is generally gray and reddish-brown growing 16-28 inches long and weighing 5-26 kg. The average life expectancy of a raccoon is 5 years and is found in urban areas, farmlands, flood forests, and woodlands of North and Central America. It can be effortlessly identified with a black mask surrounding its eyes. This mask facilitates its excellent night vision by absorbing the extra glare of light.
Raccoon also has a bushy tail with black rings and it runs at a speed of 15 mph. It is an omnivorous animal and noshes on fruits, nuts, berries, frogs, eggs, and fishes. According to reports, a raccoon has more than 438 million neurons in its small brain which facilitates its high intelligence and smartness.

10. Squirrel
A squirrel can be as long as 17 inches and can be as small as 2.95 inches and can weigh from 26 grams to 2 kg. It is generally brown, gray, yellow, red, white, or black with a life expectancy of about 12 years. Squirrel is found worldwide in vegetated areas except in Antarctica. A squirrel is a small animal with large glistening eyes, soft and silky fur coat, and a bushy tail. The Diet of squirrels embraces nuts, flowers, buds, eggs, and insects. A squirrel is so intellectual and can memorize humans and their source of food.

These are the smartest animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.