The bills are given to the birds by nature making them really very beautiful species on planet Earth. There are numerous small and large birds equipped with long curved beaks and this will help them in finding food easily. The other part is that it makes them more attractive than other birds. Here list of the top 16 small birds with long beaks,
Small Birds With Long Beak
1. Black Skimmer
Black Skimmer is also known as cutwater is a seabird that belongs to the gull family Laridae. The bird species mostly breeds in North and South America. It was first described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1755 in the tenth edition of his Systema Naturae and given the binomial name Rynchops niger.
It will grow around 40–50 cm (16–20 in) long with a total wingspan of 107–127 cm (42–50 in) wingspan. The avarage wieght of the bird species is 212 to 447 g (7.5 to 15.8 oz) and both males and females vary in weight. Talking about the appearance, half the bill is red and the rest of it is black and the lower mandible is much-elongated. The eyes of black Skimmer have a dark brown iris and catlike vertical pupil and the legs are red.
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2. Keel-billed toucan
The keel-billed toucan is one of the small birds with a long beak that belongs to the family of toucans. These black birds with yellow beaks are mostly seen in southern Mexico to northern Columbia. The bird species prefer to thrive in tropical and subtropical rainforests specially lowlands to the altitude of 6200 feet. It can grow upto 17 to 22 inches in height with an avarage wieght of 4.7 to 8.8 pounds.
Talking about the apperance, It has a beautifully colored bill which is a combination of green, yellow, orange, and red color. The bird species is an omnivore that primarily feeds on fruit and berries. It is also seen feeding on eggs, insects, lizards, and frogs. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 15 to 20 years in the wild. It is also listed as one of the most popular birds in the world.
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3. Toco toucan
Toco toucan is also known as the common toucan or giant toucan and it is the most popular and unique species in the toucan family. It is generally bred in the area of semi-open habitats in the parts of central and eastern South America. The bird species was first described by German zoologist Philipp Ludwig Statius Müller described the toco toucan in 1776. The long beak helps them to pluck them from trees and mostly feeds on insects, frogs, small reptiles, small birds, and their eggs and nestlings.
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4. Sword-billed hummingbird
The sword-billed hummingbird is one of the species of hummingbird mostly seen in the Andean regions of South America. This is the sole member of the genus Ensifera and it is popular for its long bill. The bird species has been described by Auguste Boissonneau in 1839. It belongs to the family Trochilidae under the order Apodiformes.
The sword-billed hummingbird is monotypic which means it is the only species within its genus. It can grow upto 13–14 centimeters (5.1–5.5 in) in length where males are slightly larger on average than females. The bill is of a length of 10 centimeters (3.9 in) long. The avarage wieght of the species is 10–15 grams (0.35–0.53 oz) and hence is also listed as one of the largest species of hummingbirds.
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5. Collared aracari
Collared aracari is a toucan species that is also a near-passerine bird that mostly breeds in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Costa Rica. It is also called by different names such as the banded aracari, ringed aracari, and spot-chested aracari. It can grow upto 39–41 cm (15.5–16 in) long with an avarage wieght of 190–275 g (6.7–9.7 oz). They are seen in small flocks usually consisting of 6-15 birds. It is an arboreal fruit-eater and feeds on insects, lizards, eggs, and other small prey.
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6. Rufous-tailed jacamar
Rufous-tailed jacamar is a passerine bird that breeds in the regions of Mexico, Central America, and South America as far south as southern Brazil and Ecuador. The bird species can grow upto 25 centimeters (10 in) long with an additional 5 centimeters (2 in) long black bill.
It generally hunts from a perch where its bill tilted up, then flying out to catch flying insects. Rufous-tailed jacamar loves to thrive in dry or moist woodlands and scrub. It used to lay down its eggs in two to four rufous-spotted white eggs are laid in a burrow in a bank or termite mound.

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7. Red crossbill
One of the small birds with long beaks, the red crossbill is one of the commonly seen finches in Colorado that belongs to the finch family Fringillidae. They have a special long bill along with distinctive mandibles that are crossed at the tips which are very helpful in extracting seeds from conifer cones and other fruits.
Both males and females are of different apperance where adults are often brightly colored with red or orange males and females are generally green or yellow in color. There is a wide variety of colors in both males and females. It can grow upto 20 cm in length along with an avarage wieght of 40-53 gms. The total wingspan of the bird species is 27–29 cm.

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8. Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin was mostly seen in the regions of the eastern parts of Canada, northern parts of the United States, western parts of Europe, and northern Russia. The bird species spend the majority of their life in the sea along with short breaks on the coast. The small bird can reach upto 10 inches in length with an avarage wieght of 17.5 ounces. Males are slightly bigger than females.
Talking about the apperance, it has black and white plumage. The feathers of bird species are of Atlantic puffins that were used for the decoration of hats. They have large and colorful beaks which are a combination of red, yellow, and blue colors. Atlantic puffins are also known as “sea parrots” or “clowns of the sea”.The avarage lifespan of bird species is 20 years in the wild.
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9. Malachite Kingfisher
Malachite Kingfisher is a river kingfisher mostly breeds in the regions of Africa south of the Sahara. The bird species was first described by the German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas in 1764 and it was given a name binomial name Alcedo cristata. The small kingfisher can grow around 13 cm (5.1 in) in length.
The upper part of the bird is bright metallic blue. The feathers are blue and the face, cheeks, and underparts are rufous and there are white patches on the throat and rear neck sides. It generally breeds in the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa except for the very arid parts of Somalia, Kenya, Namibia and Botswana.

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10. Slender-billed scimitar babbler
The slender-billed scimitar babbler is a passerine bird that belongs to the Old World babbler family. The bird species mostly breed in the regions of the Himalayas to north-western Vietnam. It prefers to thrive in the regions of subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. Initially, it was placed in the monotypic genus Xiphirhynchus and moved to Pomatorhinus based on the results of a molecular phylogenetic in the year 2009 that clearly shows within a clade with other members of Pomatorhinus.
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11. Bewick’s Wren
The Bewick’s Wren scientifically known as Thryomanes bewickii native to North America. It can grow upto 14 cm (5.5 in) long and looks very similar to the Carolina wren. It is one of the amazing songbirds with beautiful melodious and loud songs similar to the song of the other wrens. The bird species can be easily seen in the regions of southern British Columbia, Nebraska, southern Ontario, southwestern Pennsylvania, Maryland, south to Mexico, Arkansas and the northern Gulf States.

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12. Brown Creeper
The Brown Creeper scientifically known as Certhia americana is a small songbird seen in the regions of only North America and belongs to the family of the treecreeper family Certhiidae. It is also known as the American treecreeper. It is one of the most beautiful small birds with long beaks in the world.

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13. Carolina Wren
One of the small birds with long beaks, The Carolina is scientifically known as Thryothorus ludovicianus is one of the common species of wren mostly seen in the regions of Ontario, Canada, and the extreme northeast of Mexico. As of now, 7 species of bird are known, however, all of them can differ in song and appearance. The avarage lifespan of Carolina wren is 6 years in the wild. It loves to feed on many kinds of insects such as caterpillars, beetles, true bugs, grasshoppers, crickets, and many others.

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14. House Wren
House Wren is also one of the small birds with long beaks majority seen in the regions of North and South America. It loves to thrive in forests areas and even in urban areas. Talking about the appearance, it appears in colors such as greyish tone to a reddish one. The bird species prey on Insects, butterfly larvae, spiders, and beetles. It can grow upto 4.33 to 5.11 inches long and weighs approximately 0.022 to 0.026 lb.

15. Winter Wren
Winter Wren is scientifically known as Troglodytes hiemalis and looks similar to the small brown balls. The bird species belong to the genus Troglodytes and the family Troglodytidae. It can grow upto 3.1 to 4.7 inches and wieght around 8.5 to 11.3 gms. The total wingspan of bird species is 5.2 to 6.8 inches and mostly feeds on Insectivores. It generally preys on insects and spiders. The bird species loves to thrive in coniferous forests from British Columbia to the Atlantic Ocean.

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16. Marsh Wren
Marsh Wren scientifically known as Cistothorus palustris is a songbird of North America. It belongs to the Passeriformes family and generally preys on bugs, Caterpillars, and Chrysalids. It can grow upto 3.9 to 5.5 inches and weighs around 0.3 to 0.5 gms. Currently, 9.4 million marsh wrens birds exist in the world and conservation seems unnecessary. The avarage lifespan of the bird species in the wild is 2 years.

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These are the top 16 small birds with long beaks. Kindly share and do post your comments.