Top 10 Most Beautiful Night Blooming Flowers


The aesthetic value provided by the flowers of nature has no parallel in artificially made works. However, not all flowers bloom because of the sun. Since the ancient ages, Flowers are one of the most beautiful aspects of nature. We assume that beautiful flowers only grow in bright and sunny weather, however, there are many amazing flowers that grow in dark. Here is a list of 10 night blooming flowers, with no or very scarce sunlight, or at night.

Night Blooming Flowers

1. Evening Primrose

Scientifically known as Oenothera biennis, these are wildflowers native to North America and bloom in the months of May, June, and July. It is a non-toxic plant and it has many medicinal benefits. These flowers are edible and non-toxic. The flowers that bloom is yellow in color. The flower shape is lance-shaped and it is green in color.

The flowering stem will be grown in the second year of plant growth and covered with spirally arranged leaves. The life of flowers lasts only one day and during this short lifespan they change colors from pale yellow to golden yellow, however, there are plant species that produce white, pink, red, and purple flowers.

Also Read: A List Of 10 Different Types of Flowers In The World

Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose

2. Moonflower

In accordance with the name, these plants bloom at night, producing white exotic flowers and giving off a citrus scent. This flower is also known as Morning Glory or Moon Vine, it has the scientific name Ipomoea alba. Moonflowers are found across the North and South American continents.

All parts of these plants are heavily toxic. The flower will be related to the morning glory and produce spectacular white flowers that open up in the evening and close at dawn. The flower is white in color to attract night-flying moths for pollination.

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Image Source: Dinesh Valke

3. Foamflower

These plants belong to the Saxifrage family. Foam flowers are garden plants that produce spider-like flowers hanging from their long stalks. They are perennial plants and grow across Asia and North America. They are easy to maintain. It belongs to the family Saxifragaceae and is mostly seen in the gardens of Asia and North America.

The name of the flower derives from its feathery appearance of white colour. It is also called by different names such as Heartleaf Foamflower, Heart-leaved Foam-flower, Foam-flower, Heart-leaf Foam-flower, Heart-leaf Foamflower, Clumping Foamflower, and False Miterwort. The plant grows upto 4 to 14 inches tall.

Also Read: Top 10 Biggest Flowers In The World


Image Source: Eric Hunt

4. Casa Blanca Lily

The Casa Blanca Lily is a hybrid variety of the Oriental Lily which typically blooms in mid to late summer. These lilies are beautiful and pure white. However, these flowers are as dangerously toxic as they are beautiful. Casa Blanca Lily is one of the beautiful night-blooming flowers belonging to the Lilium genus and grows mostly during the mid to late summer after the Asiatic lilies. The flowering plant grows upto 3 to 4 feet tall and one foot wide. It required full sun and medium moisture.

Also Read: 10 Different Types Of Sunflowers In The World

Casa Blanca Lily
Casa Blanca Lily

Image Source: Wikimedia

5. Four o’Clock

These flowers come in a variety of colors and can grow upto two or three feet. These plants are perennial and grow at a fast rate. Their scientific name is Mirabilis jalapa. Four o’Clock is also known as the marvel of Peru and usually, it opens in the late afternoon or at dusk between 4 and 8 o’clock.

The unique part is the night blooming flowers which produce a strong, sweet-smelling fragrance throughout the night and later close in the morning. The flower was introduced in Europe in 1525 and today it is popular as an ornamental plant in the European region.

Four o’Clock
Four o’Clock

Image Source: Tatters

6. Tuberose

These flowering plants grow upto four feet tall and the blooms they produce are white, waxy, and produce a heavenly smell. The plant was native to Mexico but is now grown across the world because of its aesthetic value. It is a perennial plant that belongs to the family Asparagaceae and its extracts are used as a note in perfumery. The flowering plant was native to Mexico and it is widely grown as an ornamental plant.


Image Source: Wikimedia

7. Mock Orange

These flowers are native to Southeast Europe and Central and North America. It is a bushy plant that produces white flowers, closely resembling Orange Blossoms in looks and in scent. The flowers remain in bloom for about two weeks. The flowering plant is native to North America, Central America, Asia, and southeast Europe.

It is named “mock-orange” because the flowers in the wild loos are similar to the oranges and lemons (Citrus) at first glance and even smell like orange flowers and jasmine. The flowering was named after the Greek king of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

Mock Orange
Mock Orange

8. Night Blooming Jasmine

The flowers on these plants are in bloom throughout the year and can grow upto 10 ft tall. Scientifically tagged as Cestrum Nocturnum, the plant has dark green leather-like textured leaves, and clusters of tiny white fragrant flowers and do not require heavy maintenance. These plants grow best in regions with tropical climates.

Night Blooming Jasmine
Night Blooming Jasmine

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. Nicotiana

Indigenous to Australia, North America, South America, and the South Pacific Region, the Nicotina plant is best known as the Nicotine plant. Its scent and nectar attract several insects and moths who further help to spread their pollen further away. The flowers come in multiple shades of reds, whites, and pinks.


Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Night Blooming Cereus

These plants are a flowering variety of cacti. These are climbers and can reach upto 3m tall. Night Blooming Cereus plants bear big white flowers only after maturing till 4-5 years. Even then, the flowers of the Cereus only bloom for one night. These plants are common in American deserts. Due to their magnificent flowers, these plants are also given the monikers of Queen of the Night and Princess of the Night.

Night Blooming Cereus
Night Blooming Cereus

These are the 10 night blooming flowers in the world. kindly share and do post your comments.

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