Animals have always remained great friends of human beings and have been domesticated since ancient times. Domestic animals are very important for humankind as they are used for and provide an array of products for their livelihood. Domestic animals generally have a very loving and caring nature and are very loyal to their masters. Ranging from the most loyal species of Dog, Cat, Camel to the Avian Species of majestic birds there is a long list of the most popular domestic animals in the world. We will discuss the domestic animals in the world.
There are many large and fierce creatures in our nature. Whether it’s the sharks or lions, hyenas, or cheetahs, seeing them up close sends a chill down the spine. But hey, have some faith in the diversity of our fauna. There are also many domestic creatures that people pet and adore. You may find them very cute and friendly. So, let’s see 21 domestic animals of our nature, who knows after reading this you may want to pet one of these,
Domestic Animals
1. Dog
The dog is one of the most popular useful animals to humans and the most preferred domestic animal kept as a pet by people. Dogs are famous for their loyalty and showing loving behavior towards their masters. Also, dogs are one of the most intelligent animals in the world and could be trained the way their master wants. Also, they are also famous for various qualities like helpful nature, guardianship, assistant to police, military, etc. In fact, dogs have been ranked first among the animals for their influence on human beings and are most popularly called the “Man’s best friend”.
I’m sure that you have already read or seen much about these adorable creatures. Man’s best friends, a.k.a dogs have many breeds that people like to pet. Golden Retriever, Saint Bernard, Bulldog, etc. Dogs also play a prominent part in the security and defense field. They are employed by the army and airport security for sniffing out bombs or drugs. They have amazing sniffing abilities; it is said that a dog can smell things 40 times better than humans. Some of them are also great swimmers and sprinters, so fast that they could even beat a cheetah!
Also Read: Top 10 Dogs With Floppy Ears

2. Cat
Cats are also so loyal and loveable friendliest animals that love to get cuddled and pampered by their masters. Also, this little cute animal species is also one of the most preferred domestic animals for most people around the world. The distinguishing feature about cats is that they keep their surroundings clean and their place of sleeping is always tidy. Moreover, cats are also among one the earliest masticated animals as early as 4000 years ago and there are a wide variety of breeds found across the world such as Persian cat, Siberian cat, Ragdoll, etc.
Belonging to a wild family of Felidae, cats are often referred to as domestic cats to distinguish them from the other wild members of the family like lions or tigers. These four-legged furry animals are carnivores and usually have a higher protein requirement than their other mammal friends. It is believed that cats are the only mammals that can’t taste sweet. But their eyes are more developed than that of a human, giving them better peripheral and night vision. They have incredible body control, it is a common observation that no matter what height a cat falls from, it always lands on its feet.
Also Read: 10 Cutest Dog Breeds In The World

3. Cow
Often known as one of the most innocent animals, Cow or Cattle is a large ruminant animal with horns and cloven hooves mainly domesticated for milk and meat. Rated as one of the most useful animals to humankind, they are helpful to human beings in a variety of ways like playing the field, carrying heavy loads, etc. Moreover, in countries like India, they are considered sacred animals, and people generally worship this animal species. Also, the cow is a social animal of traveling in large herds and sometimes even mixes with other animal species.
If I ask you which animal comes to your mind when you think about a village or the countryside. I think a majority of you readers will think of cows. If you have ever been to a village, you must have seen this boy grazing on the fields. This friendly 4-stomached animal has a wide variety of breeds and is found in many different parts of the world. Its popularity among humans is because of its nutrition-rich milk and low maintenance. It is one of the most popular domestic animals in the world.

4. Goat
Considered one of the earliest domesticated animals on Earth, the goat is also one of the most innocent animal species widely domesticated for various purposes. It is interesting to note that goats are well known for their excellent coordination and can survive in precarious areas like steep mountains etc. However, they can continuously eat grasses in the field for a long time and then later use them for chewing cud. Also, it is a social animal that loves to live in large herds often mixing with sheep and communicating with each other by bleating.

5. Chicken
Chicken is also one of the most commonly domesticated animals in the world, as they are mainly used for culinary purposes. Chicken poultry has become very common nowadays in most countries and they are eaten in a variety of forms like boiling, baking, grilling, and frying. Also, chickens are mostly preferred over red meat because they have a low concentration of cholesterol. It is interesting to note that there are more than 19 billion chickens on this earth which outnumber human beings. Moreover, chickens are also typically subjected to intensive farming methods.
Hens are mature female chickens and are listed as one of the domestic animals which you will see more, other than cows, in the countryside. They are generally domesticated for their economic advantages. Their egg and meat are consumed on a large scale in the world. These early risers are omnivores and have a very good memory too. One hen can remember and recognize up to 100 faces. The eyes of a hen are well developed and have a strong colour vision. A fun fact about them is that they are technically dinosaurs. Can you ever tell by looking at a hen that it can be a descendent of a dinosaur?
Also Read: 10 Beautiful Black And White Birds

6. Rabbit
Rabbits are small mammals that have soft and fluffy bodies with tiny noses. Also known as Bunny, rabbits are one of the most popular and very cute animal species. Rabbits generally have long ears and short tails, exhibiting a very playful and inquisitive behavior. They are widely domesticated all over the world because of their loving and playful behavior. However, rabbits are crepuscular i.e. they generally sleep during the day and night and are most active at dusk and dawn. Also, they need regular interaction with their masters otherwise they get bored and Often depressed.
Rabbits, or as they are adorably called bunnies. Kids like these white furry carrot lovers. Rabbits are the calmest animals; they like to live in groups. But if you want to pet one, then you will have to be extra careful. Their body can be quite sensitive; a rabbit can even die if not taken proper care of. If you want something like a stressbuster in your life, then you may consider petting a rabbit. These little hoppers, when happy, do a “binky” i.e., an athletic leap performing hops and kicks in the air, which looks very adorable.

7. Horse
Horses are also one of the most popular and preferred domestic animals by the majority of people. The horse is an innocent animal known for its graceful body. However, horses have been domesticated since ancient times and were also an important means of transport in ancient times. People also domesticate horses for leisure purposes as it is considered a symbol of luxurious life. The horse is a social animal with more than 300 breeds of horses found across the world. Some of the famous breeds include Arabian horses, Appaloosa, American Quarter Horse, etc.
Horses are animals known for their speed and fast reflexes. You can tell that they are good runners by looking at the hard hooves covering their toes. These herbivores have a lifespan of about 25-30 years. A fun fact about horses is that they can sleep standing up. They can look almost 360 degrees around them and have 10 different muscles in the ear alone which make them good listeners. It is believed that the modern horse was domesticated back in 2200 BCE around Northern Caucasus and then, after some centuries, spread across Asia and Europe.

8. Domestic sheep
Sheep is one of the most common and popularly domesticated animals mainly for wool, milk, and meat. Typically kept as livestock, sheep are also among the first animals to be domesticated by humankind. Sheep are also used for various agricultural purposes and have a deeply entrenched place in human culture. It is interesting to note that sheep cannot survive without the shepherd and are entirely dependent upon the shepherd for everything as they require constant care and watching.
Domesticated for their wool, sheep can be found in many parts of the world. There are over 1000 different breeds present in the world. Just like goats, sheep have rectangular pupils. They have a very good memory and a very good sense of smell. They are one of the few animals in the world that can self-medicate themselves. So, if they are feeling unwell, they know what stuff or what plants/fruits to eat to make them feel better. Suffolks are the largest domestic sheep in the world. They can reach a weight of up to 400 pounds.

9. Ducks
Ducks are one of the most amazing aquatic bird species that are wonderfully Hardy, inexpensive, and easy to care for. That’s why they are mostly domesticated in most countries. Ducks have a short neck, and large bill and are found in a wide variety of colors with varied species. Ducks are generally domesticated for meat, and eggs and are also kept as a pet in a large number of countries. There are also numerous breeds of ducks and they are believed to be originated from the Wild Mallard Duck. Some of the common duck species are Indian Runner duck, American Pekin, Grass Duck, etc.

10. Ferrets
Ferrets are very cute and adorable animals that can grow 13 to 14 inches long and wieght around 0.7 to 2 kg. One of the animals that start with f has the capability to serve your family as a long-term pet because the avarage lifespan of ferrets is up to 12 years. The animal species is domesticated for thousands of years and they require a cage to live in homes. It is unique and has its own personality that will give you a good sense of feel and will explore how their personality will be varied.

11. Yak
A yak is a domesticated wild ox with large horns mainly found in cold high-altitude regions. Like in the Himalayas, Northern Myanmar, Yunnan, Sichuan, etc. It is domesticated mainly because of human dependency on it, in those areas. Yak is used for the transportation of materials, and its milk is in hilly regions. They are herbivores and are very heavy. A male yak can weigh up to 2200 pounds, but the female has 1/3rd of this weight. They usually live in herds that range from 10 to 100 members, mainly having calves and females.

12. Fish
You must have seen this organism in many different categories, like the world’s heaviest animals, the world’s largest animals, or maybe in the fiercest predators too. That may give you an idea as to how diverse the family of fishes is. One can also find a huge variety of domestic fish in the market. Ranging from flower horn, goldfish, danios, or cherry barb, literally an ocean full of these swimmers. Some people build a nice big aquarium, while some like to keep one or two of them in a small fishbowl. Seeing a goldfish regularly can prove to be a stress buster for many people.

13. Buffalo
Also known as Asian Water Buffalo, they are mainly bred for their milk. As the name suggests, these creatures love lying in the water. These black creatures can only be seen in Asia and Africa, the domestic ones are mainly found in the Asian regions. A buffalo’s average length can be between 7 to 11 feet and can weigh up to 1900 pounds. The reproductive system of buffalo is such that they rarely have twins. Not the domestic one, but the wild buffaloes are believed to kill more hunters than any other animal, so they can be pretty dangerous.

14. Domestic Pig
Pigs are domesticated for thousands of years and are one of the most common domestic animals that are farmed in the world today. The animal species are known for some great qualities such as intelligence and social behavior. It is also listed as one of the smartest animals in the world.
They love to stay in groups, however, they have kept closed farmyards because of their large size and destructive nature. It is also domesticated because of the meat which is called pork. The common habits of the pig include that they can eat continuously for a few hours and then sleep for many hours.

15. Camel
Camels were domesticated since ancient ages and it is believed that they were first domesticated in Egypt. They were also known as the ship of the desert because they were used for multiple purposes. It is belived that the one hump camels (Dromedaries) were domesticated in Somalia and Arabia around 3000 BC. The bacteria camel have domesticated first in Central Asia c.2500 BC. The unique part of the camel is that they can live for many days without water and they can travel long distances without water. The average lifespan of the camel is approximately 40 to 50 years in the wild.
Camel is also one of the earliest domesticated animals in the world. It is also one of the most commonly domesticated animals, especially in deserted areas where it is considered a gift from mother nature. Camels are easily recognized by their humps and are mainly found in the deserted areas of Asia and Africa. Moreover, the distinguishing feature about them is that they can travel very long distances without the need for water. Also, they are one of the most important means of transport in most countries.
16. Donkey
Donkeys are the smallest animal species of the horse family. It is belived that the species is domesticated
5.000 years ago mainly in the African wild ass in Africa and the Middle East. It is primarily used for carrying heavy loads and pull plows mostly in poor countries. Donkeys are considered ancestors of African wild ass that are still seen in the African region, however, it is critically endangered. It can grow upto 31 to 63 inches in height and weighs around 1.060 pounds of weight. The avarage lifespan of the donkeys is 40 to 50 years under special conditions, however, most of them are much shorter because of extreme exploitation.
and Australia. The size of pigeons varies depending on the species. The large pigeons can reach upto 19 inches in length and wieght upto 8.8 pounds of weight, however, the small ones can reach upto 5 inches in length and up to 0.8 ounces of weight. The avarage lifespan of pigeons is more than 30 years in the wild.

Image Source: Wikimedia
18. Zebra Finch
Zebra Finch is one of the domestic birds that belong to the genus Taeniopygia and is mostly seen in the regions of Australia and Indonesia. The bird species are seen in large flocks and are considered seed-eaters. The first species of zebra finch was captured in 1801 in the region of Australia. The Indonesian species was discovered in 1817 by Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot. The avarage lifespan of bird species is 2 to 3 years in the world.

19. Dove
Doves are considered common birds and there are many religions and cultures that consider the dove a symbol of peace. The Christian religion considers the dove as a symbol of God and there are many communities that release doves into the sky at ceremonies, weddings, and other important events. Doves are pretty hardy birds that can even survive in desert areas, tropical forests, mountains, and woodlands. The bird species primarily feed on insects, seeds, nuts, and fruits, however, there are scenarios where they can eat almost anything.
20. Goose
Goose is one of the popular domesticated waterfowl birds and they are considered descendants of geese that are domesticated 4.000 years ago. It can grow upto 32 to 37 inches in length and weighs around 8 to 22 pounds of weight. The varage lifespan of bird species is 20 to 25 years in the wild. They are social birds that live in harmony with other species of geese and ducks in captivity.

21. Atlantic canary
The Atlantic canary is a songbird that belongs to the family of true finches. The bird species are belived to be originated from the Canary Islands, Azores, and Madeira. It can grow upto 3.9 to 5.5 inches in length and weighs around 0.30 to 0.86 ounces. It is a gregarious bird and is mostly seen in folks that are composed of hundreds of birds. The avarage lifespan of the Atlantic canary is around 8 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.

These are the 21 domestic animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.