What animals come to your mind when you try to think of animals that start with k? Sure Kangaroo, Koala, and Kiwi are a few. But probably not many. But are there even that many animals that start with the letter k? There are not one or two but quite a lot of them. Read on to find out the names and some interesting facts about 10 animals that start with k.
Animals That Start With K
1. Kangaroo
Famous creatures that everyone has heard of even though they are only found in the Australian continent. You probably know the common facts about them having a pouch to carry babies and their punching skills. The strong tails that they use to power kicks and punches are another widely known fact about them. The red kangaroo is listed as one of the biggest animals in the world.
Coming to feeding habits, kangaroos do not eat meat and feed on leaves and grass only. Although their boxing prowess is commonly accepted it should be noted that they do not go about rioting anywhere they find humans. Rather they mind their own business and do not attack unless they feel threatened. Another defensive tactic that they use against predators is running into the water and then drowning the opponent with force when it follows.

2. Koala
Another unique animal is native to Australia. The scientific name of the species is Phascolarctos cinerus. They reach a maximum of 85 cm in length and are known to weigh up to 15 kg. The hair color is grey or brown or a combination of both. Koalas are famous for their sedentary lifestyle and laziness and slow movements.
Unsurprisingly they are not very social animals and stay in isolation except at the time of mating or in the case of the dependent young one. They mainly feed on the leaves of the trees they stay on minimizing any effort needed for nourishment. Sadly they are currently listed in the Vulnerable category by IUCN.

3. Kiwi
A well-known flightless bird from New Zealand. Apart from being the national animal, the name has become the nationality of New Zealand too as New Zealanders are often referred to as “kiwis” now. The body of the bird is covered in long feathers that appear more like strands of hair.
They are scientifically known as part of the Apteryx genus with many species and subspecies. Kiwis like to live as couples once they find a partner throughout their lives. The beaks are sensitive and straight and they use to eat small insects, worms, and seeds. Presently the species is listed as vulnerable and is threatened by chemicals and deforestation and invasive species.

4. Kingfisher
This is a recognizable colorful bird. They are small-flighted birds which as per the name are excellent fishers. They have a big dark-colored beak, at least big according to the body size. The head and feathers are a shiny blue. Different species have different colors of plumage but all of them boast bright colorful colored feathers. The Green kingfisher is one of the most popular green birds in the world.
They are found in almost all of the world’s coastal regions as well as water-rich interiors and hence are listed as one of the water birds in the world. Kingfishers live in holes or burrows on the ground on the river banks or in coastal areas. Although are known for fishing, they are not the sole source of nutrition for kingfishers. Depending on the location kingfishers also eat small insects. Malachite Kingfisher is one of the most popular birds with orange beaks in the world and Belted Kingfisher is one of the most beautiful types of birds that are blue in color.

5. Komodo Dragon
This giant lizard is found on the islands of Indonesia. The scientific name of the species is Varanus komodoensis. The name Komodo comes from the name of one of the islands where it’s endemic to. The body length of this beast reaches up to 3 meters in length.
They are known as aggressive predators and attack birds and mammals alike. They are also known to be aggressive towards humans. As if a giant lizard isn’t enough to scare the life out of anyone, they also have a venomous bite. Presently they are listed in the endangered category of IUCN as their habitat is shrinking due to human activities and climate change.

6. King Penguin
King penguins are types of penguins that are flightless birds from the south pole. These cute animals are among the largest bird in the world that’s why the ‘king’ is in the name. They mainly eat fish, squid, and krill for which they dive into the oceans to depths of more than 100 meters. Some have even been recorded 300 meters below the surface. That’s surely some king-like performance. They grow to a height of around 100 cm and the average weight was found as 12.4 kg. The Adelie Penguin are amon g the beautiful black and white animals in the world.
In appearance, they boast bright orange and dark black, and bright white feathers which present extreme contrast to each other. The beak is long and straight and black in color except on the sides near the face. There are streaks of orange on each side of the beak. The head and neck are totally black. Just above the shoulder, there is again an orange feather patch. The chest is also covered with orange-yellow feathers near the neck. Penguins are also listed as one of the fluffiest animals in the world.

7. Krill
Krill are tiny crustaceans found in all of the world’s oceans. They are also fished for human consumption in some parts of the world. Although tiny krill are an important part of the marine food chain and also the main source of food for many whales and penguins and seals too. Krill themselves feed on plankton and algae generally. As adults, krill reach a body length of 1 to 2 cm. They live in swarms and perform the daily vertical migrations in swarms too.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. King Cobra
A big snake with a very venomous bite. They are called king cobras as they feed on cobras which are themselves very venomous snakes instead of rats and other small animals. These types of snakes have an impressive neck flap which they spread wide and stand with necks upright when in attack mode.
This allows them to bite at heights well above the ground. The pattern on the scales and color varies from individual to individual but black and brown are the primary ones which often have yellow or white-colored stripes.

9. Killer Whale
Also popularly called orcas. Killer whales are, well, whales but they are not known to kill humans. Instead, the ‘killer’ in the name describes the hunting behavior of killing other larger animals. They are at the top of the marine food chain and sometimes even attack adult blue whales! They live in societies called pods and hunt in groups too. They have a black upper side along with fins and tails with a white neck and lower body.

10. King Crab
This is a popular seafood delicacy. These different types of crabs are found in cold waters near the Arctic. The most noticeable feature is the long legs, and the spikes present all over its shell. In the king crab family, there are many species with a distinct appearance. The red king crab is the most common and widely recognized one. Others have different colors of the shell varying from red to yellow and even black.

These are the list of different animals that start with k. Kindly share and do post your comments.