Birds are one of the paramount creations of mother Earth. Every person cannot witness its magnificence. If you are actually enthusiastic about nature then you will discover splendor in every bird. The birds are motorized by their own life and by their enthusiasm. Birds are well-liked because of their wings and they fly, unlike humans. The blue sky is the dwelling of birds. We will discuss the most popular birds in the world.
According to modern information, there are roughly 18000 species of birds found in the world. All of the species are having diverse figures, dimensions, colors, and feathers. These winged creatures symbolize sovereignty, love, and vivacity and garnish each backyard. Here is the list of a few most popular birds in the world,
Popular Birds In The World
1. Flamingo
The flamingo is one of the most beautiful and colorful birds in the world and is 4-5 feet in length and weighs about 4-8 pounds. It is the National Bird of the Bahamas. It is an astonishingly exclusive and stunning water bird having dazzling pink feathers, an S-shaped neck, and stilt-like legs.
It has a long neck and outstretched legs for flying. It depends upon shrimp, snails, and algae for nourishment. The young flamingo is gray or white and afterward gets its pink color from the food it eats. It is also listed as one of the most graceful animals in the world. It is one of the animals that start with f.

2. Wood Duck
The wood duck weighs about 1.4-1.5 lbs and is 19 inches to 21 inches in length and is found in North America. It is also recognized as the Carolina duck. The female wood duck is not as multicolored as the male. The female bird has a grey-brown head, white belly, and speckled breast while the male bird has a purplish-green head and neck, white belly, and dark red chest making it one of the most amazing birds with red beaks in the world.
Its diet contains water plants like duckweed, watermeal, and many aquatic insects. It moves in a small group having less than 20 birds. It has webbed feet, prickly claws, and commanding wings.

3. Great Bird of Paradise
The Great Bird of Paradise is well thought-out to be 35-43 cm long. It has an existence for about 5-30 years. It lives in southwest New Guinea and the Aru islands in Indonesia. The male bird has a yellow head, maroon brown back, dark green throat, brown wings and underparts, central wire-like tail feathers, and yellowish filamentous flank feathers.
The female bird has a brown body. Its diet comprises fruits, seeds, and minute insects. Owing to hunting by humans its population is lessening swiftly and is classified as Least Concern by IUCN.

Image Source: Wikimedia
4. Blue Jay
The Blue Jay bird weighs about 2.5 to 3.5 ounces, is 10 to 12 inches lengthy, and wingspan of 13 to 17 inches. The popular Missouri birds are found in North America, South Canada, and eastern and central parts of the United States. The bird which is mostly blue in color comes with the most striking and intelligent bird and has ‘’jay’’ sounding calls.
It can ape the call of other birds and even emulate human vocalizations when kept as a pet. The bird of Iowa has dazzling blue, white and black plumage. Its preferred food is nuts, seeds, acorns, grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, eggs, and nestlings. One of the birds in Pennsylvania generally lives in small groups but while migrating in winter it moves in hundreds of numbers.

5. Atlantic Puffin
The Atlantic Puffin is 12 inches lengthy and weighs around 320-550 grams. It is having a life expectancy of 4 years. One of the popular birds with orange beaks in the world have petite and well-adapted sea bird is habitually referred to as ‘’sea parrots’’. It is found on the northern U.S. and eastern Canadian coasts.
The small bird with a long beak has black upper sides and a white chest and belly. It has a white face and cheeks, bright orange feet, and a triangular intense red and yellow bill. It gulps a few minute fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks under the water for sustenance. He is an astounding diver and swimmer.

6. Scarlet Macaw
The Scarlet Macaw is one of the largest parrots in the world ranging between 2.5 feet to 3 feet and weighs between 9-10.4 Kg. The popular type of parrot is chiefly found in Central America, Mexico, and South America. It has a life span of more than 30 years. It is a red-colored bird having a creamy white featherless face. It is one of the most popular forest animals in the world.
Its body along with its wings is roofed with blue and yellow feathers and has a large, sturdy beak to sever food. Its diet comprises nuts, leaves, seeds, and clay from the riverbank. It is probing, strapping, and intelligent enough to copy the expressions and sounds.

7. Golden Pheasant
The Golden Pheasant is a type of yellow bird that can grow approx 60-115 cm in length and weighs 550 g to 710 g. It is also acknowledged as the ‘Chinese Pheasant’ and is typically found in western China. Its average life expectancy is 5-20 years. It lives in the forests and woodlands of Western and Central China.
It is a colorful bird with an intense red body with a golden-yellow crest, red tip, and golden rump. It has red shoulder feathers and a pale long brown tail. It feeds on grains, leaves, invertebrates, seeds, bamboo, flowers, and other vegetation.

8. Painted Bunting
The Painting Bunting weighs around 13-19 grams and is 12-14 cm lengthy. This colorful bird is having an average life expectancy of 12 years and is found generally in North America. The male bird has a blue head, greenback, and red underbellies while the female has shades of yellow and green. It mainly eats seeds and insects but sometimes caterpillars, beetle larvae, spiders, and snails also.

Image Source: Wikimedia
9. Keel-billed Toucan
Keel-billed Toucan weighs around 2.1 kg to 4 kg and 42 cm to 55 cm in height. Its average life expectancy is 15-20 years. It is also acknowledged as a rainbow or sulfur-breasted toucan and can be found in Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, and Mexico. It is the national bird of Belize. It is a colorful bird with green color and red or orange sides, black plumage with a yellow neck and chest. The tip of its tail is covered with red feathers and has blue feet. Its bill is one-third of its length. It depends on fruits but occasionally on insects, eggs, nestling birds, and small lizards.

10. Peacock
The peacock weighs about 2.7 kg to 6 Kg and can grow up to 5 feet and has a lifespan of 12-20 years. The peacock is the national bird of India and is one of the largest flying birds. The male peacocks are called peacocks, females are called peahens and their babies are called peachicks. It is the representation of presumptuous egotism.
The peacock is one of the amazing green animals that comes well-liked for its extravagant multicolored tail which has around 175 feathers and has one of the best animal patterns in the wildlife. The male peacock uses its glorious tail feathers to craft a fan and make an impact on females. It eats a variety of foods like grains, grasses, leaves, seeds, flowers, insects, small reptiles, and mammals.

These are the 10 most popular birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.