According to Science, Birds are considered dinosaurs and therefore they are still not technically extinct. According to the study conducted, there are approximate there are more than 11,000 bird species have been identified and described today. All these bird species occur in different colors, shapes, sizes and behaviour as well. Here is the list of the top 10 pink colors birds in the world,
Pink Birds
1. Major Mitchel’s Cockatoo
The Major Mitchel’s Cockatoo is a small white and pink colour bird species. Talking about the appearance, the head, neck and underparts are pale to deep pink in colour and the upper parts are completely white in colour. The bird species are endemic to Australia where it loves to thrive in semi-arid and arid regions that constitute coastal areas. The eating habits of Major Mitchel’s Cockatoo is omnivorous and it loves to feed on the seeds of grasses, shrubs and trees, as well as roots and bulbs, and insect larvae. The avarage lifespan of Major Mitchel’s Cockatoo in the wild is unknown. however in captivity, it is around 40 to 60 years.

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2. Molluccan Cockatoo
Molluccan Cockatoo is one of the beautiful pink birds that comes with a deep salmon coloured crest. Talking about the appearance, the bill is grey-black in colour and the legs are grey. It can grow upto 47.5 to 50 cm in length and have an avarage wieght of 0.9 kg. The bird species loves to feed on seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and some insects. The incubation period of Molluccan Cockatoo is approximately 30 days where it lays 2 to 6 eggs at once. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 65 or more years in the wild. It is mostly seen in the regions of the southern Moluccan Islands (Ceram, Sapurua, Haruku) and the Indonesian Islands. The unique part is that it can mimic the sounds of other animals, including people.

Image Source: Wikimedia
3. Pink Robin
Pink Robin scientifically known as Petroica rodinogaster is again an Australian bird that belongs to the class Aves. Aves are a group of Australian birds that have pinkish bellies. The bird species is strictly restricted to southeastern Australia and prefers Australian rainforests and open grasslands mostly in winters, They are also seen in the regions of Tasmania, New South Wales, and King and Flinders Islands. These species are very social, however, they have seen alone most of the time and in pairs during the breeding season. Talking about the appearance, it has a dark blackish-grey head, back, throat, wings, and tail. The species loves to feed on spiders, caterpillars, and beetles.

Image Source: Wikimedia
4. House Finch
House Finch are also one of the beautiful pink birds that are mostly seen in the regions of North America and Mexico. One of the commonly seen finches of Ohio can grow upto 5 to 6 in length and weighs around 16 to 27 gms. House Finch is scientifically known as Haemorhous mexicanus and they have also listed underclass of Aves and belong to the family Fringillidae. They are mostly seen in flocks with a count of more than 100. The average lifespan of bird species is up to 12 years. It is also listed as one of the common types of birds in Pennsylvania.
Also Read: 10 Types Of Finches in Colorado

5. Roseate spoonbill
The roseate spoonbill is a beautiful type of bird and belongs to the spoonbill bird species. These bird species are also seen in flocks that typically include six or more individuals. The avarage lifespan of bird species is around 10 years in the wild and in captivity, it is around 15 years. Talking about the appearance, Roseate Spoonbill body is covered with pink plumage and bright pink shoulder patches. The long and thin legs are pink in colour, however, part of their head bald and yellow-green. It can grow upto 28–34 in tall and with a total wingspan of 47–52 in. It is listed as one of the beautiful pink birds because of its pink feathers. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is around 10 years.

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6. Pine grosbeak
Pine grosbeak is the largest of the northern finches and is also listed as one of the beautiful pink birds because of its amazing appearance. These bird species are generally seen in Canada and the Northern States of the U.S. Year-round. They also identified in the regions of the northern forests of Europe and Russia. It prefers to thrive in coniferous forests along with open fields, meadows, ponds, streams and marshes. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 9 years in the wild. It is one of the birds with red on its head.

Image Source: Wikimedia
7. Himalayan white-browed rosefinch
The Himalayan white-browed rosefinch scientifically known as Carpodacus though is a beautiful finch species that belongs to the family Fringillidae. These bird species seen in the Himalayan ranges from Afghanistan in the west alongside India to Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal. Himalayan white-browed rosefinch loves to thrive in the regions of temperate forests and temperate shrubland. It is mostly seen eating seeds, buds and shoots of alpine and subalpine herbs and shrubs.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Galah
Galahs are considered as Australian favorite birds because they can be seen all across the continent eating grass seeds on the ground. They also feed on Australian shrubs and trees including Acacias (Wattles) and Casuarinas (She-oak). These birds are seen in flocks with a group of 1000 birds with a speed of around 70km/hr. Male and female species can be distinguished with the help of eyes, where Female galahs have pink eyes, however, Males and young birds have dark brown eyes. The avarage lifespan of bird species is around 40 years in the wild.

9. Bourke’s Parakeet
The Bourke’s parakeet scientifically known as Neopsephotus bourkii is a small beautiful pink bird that belongs to the parrot group. The bird species is native to Australia and is mostly seen in the regions of the central and southern parts of the island. It is also known as the blue-vented parrot, sundown parrot, pink-bellied parrot, Bourke’s parakeet, Bourke or just Bourke is a small Australian parrot species scientifically known as Neopsephotus burkini. It can grow upto a length of approximately 9 cm and an avarage wieght between 41 to 49 gms. Bourke’s Parakeet loves to eat mix, pellets, black oil sunflower, sprouted seeds and a variety of fresh fruit and dark leafy vegetables.

Image Source: Wikimedia
10. Pink-headed Warbler
Pink-headed Warbler scientifically known as Cardellina Versicolor is a small passerine bird mostly seen in the regions of southwestern highlands of Guatemala and the central and southeastern highlands of the Mexican state of Chiapas. Talking about the appearance, the adult Pink-headed warbler species are red, with a silvery-pink head and chest. It can grow upto 12.5 to 13.5 cm in length and with an avarage wieght of 10 gms. Pink-headed Warbler loves to feed on insectivores, gleaning insects and other invertebrates from vegetation. The avarage lifespan of bird species is unknown in the wild.

Image Source: Wikimedia
This is the list of beautiful pink birds in the world. kindly share and do post your comments.