Have you ever noticed the beauty and diversity of our nature? The intriguing variety of flora and fauna. Whether it is size, shape, habitat, or body structure. Mother nature always leaves us mesmerized when we look at it up close. Although all top ten heaviest creatures alive would be all whales, for the sake of diversity in our list, we have skipped them. Whether on land or in the sea, we find these giant creatures everywhere. Ranging from whales to elephants, from herbivore rhinos to carnivore sharks, let’s take a look at the heaviest animals in the world,
Heaviest Animals In The World
1. Blue Whales (Weight 200 tons)
The largest and most massive animal on earth, Blue Whales, have can have a 100ft long and 200-tons heavy body. Its mere tongue can weigh up to a rhino as well as the heart can weigh equal to a car. The largest measured whale weighed 200 [U.S.] tons and was 29.5 m long. Blue whales are also called sulfur-bottom due to the pale-yellow bottom of some individuals which resembles the color of the element sulfur.
This yellow color is due to the algae colonies flourishing on the whale’s skin. Another fact about them is that they are also the loudest animals on this planet. It is believed that they use their pulse of loud moans and groans to echolocate their surroundings, similar to the technology we use in a SONAR. Their lifespan can range up to 90-110 years.
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2. North Pacific Right Whale (Weight 77 tons)
Recently you may have seen the North Pacific Right Whale on the internet or in books only because they have become very rare and endangered. Its north Pacific population has been diminished to only 40. Now talking about its physicality, it can grow up to 20 mtr., and weigh considerably that much. The name came from its hunting in the 17th and 19th centuries. As its oil and strong, elastic baleen have high economic value, it became the “Right Whale” to choose.

Image Source: Oregon State University
3. Whale Shark (Weight 15 tons)
The whale shark is the largest living shark alive today. It’s a big fish that can grow up to 60 feet long and weigh up to 15 tons. Most specimens are around 40 feet long and weigh around 15 tons. However, in 2001, the largest ever known whale shark was found that measured 62 feet in length and weighed over 60 tons. These types of sharks have Plankton and tiny krill or small fish are their only sources of food.

4. African Elephant (Weight 2-7 tons)
Talking about one of the biggest animals in the world, this African walking giant can weigh up to 2-7 tons and is found in 37 African countries. But don’t get intimidated by the size, elephants can be very friendly to humans. But let’s not confuse “friendly” with “keeping it as a pet”, it is always advised to keep up your guard when going around such huge creatures.
When angry, the results can be deadly. Because of being so enormously large forest animals, the male African Elephants take almost 35-40 years to grow to their full size which is almost their half lifespan. But also, their cubs can stand on their feet within minutes of birth. It is also listed as one of the longest living animals in the world.

5. Elephant Seal (Weight 3 tons)
Southern elephant seals get their name from the mature males’ enormous noses, which are employed to generate loud roaring sounds. They are large ocean-going mammals whose adults can weigh as much as 3,000 kg. During the 19th century, the population of the northern and southern elephant seals was on the brink of extinction. Thanks to IUCN’s concern their numbers have drastically improved now.

6. White Rhinoceros (Weight 2.5 ton)
White Rhinoceros is the largest surviving species of Rhinos. These squared-lipped creatures graze in grassland and savannah habitat. It’s 2300 kg heavy body has a 45 mm thick grey skin covering, making him less prone to predators. Their habitat can be found in some Asian and African regions like Namibia, Sumatra, Eastern Himalayas.
Its name is believed to be the result of a mistranslation of a Dutch word to English. It came from the word “wijd” which means ‘wide’ in English and also has a pronunciation similar to “white”. So early English speakers misinterpreted “white” with the “wide” mouth of the animal.

7. Indian Rhinoceros (Weight 2.2 ton)
Indian rhinoceros is the one-horn rhino popularly known as the “single black-horn rhino”. It is India’s most prestigious animal. These Northeast Indian beasts are normally misunderstood as fierce predators. But these guys are herbivores and only survive on fruits, grass, and farm crops. It is also listed as one of the grassland animals in the world.
Their 90% population can be found in Kaziranga National Park in Assam which protects them from hunting and helps save their species as they’re already on the IUCN Red List. Rhino skin has a huge economic value in the black market. Their lifespan can range up to 40 years and their size is relatable to a 6-ft person with a 2.2 tons weight.

8. Hippopotamus (Weight 1.9 tons)
What comes to your mind when you hear the word Hippopotamus? A ginormous water-loving lazy herbivore? Well, you are partially right. Hippos are heavy. An adult hippo can weigh up to 1500 to 1800 kgs.
These thick skin mammals stay submerged in water during the day to protect their skin from the sun’s rays. So “heavy” and “water-loving” describe them well, but laziness won’t be one of their traits. Hippos have been seen to be very aggressive. Its jaw can create up to 1800 PSI of bite force which is enough to tear its enemy apart. Hippos are prominently found in Sub-Saharan Africa.

9. Salt Water Crocodile (weight 1.1 ton)
One of the Indian breeds of the crocodiles, Salt Water Crocodile is one of the world’s heaviest, fiercest and callous predators. It can be up to 23 feet long and weigh up to 1000 kgs. The IUCN red list had it listed as the Least concern in 1996 as it was getting endangered due to the increasing demand for its skin and habitat loss. This apex predator is a crawling animal and can be found on India’s east coast, across S.E.Asia, Australia, and Micronesia. It is one of the heaviest animals in the world.

10. Polar Bear (weight 0.5 ton)
The big fatty white furry bear lives in icy regions like Antarctica, regions, or Arctic Oceans. Polar bears seem to be adorable, cuddly, and even friendly. Don’t be deceived, though. They’re great hunters and ruthless when it comes to it. They primarily eat seals and arctic foxes. Their thick hairy skin assists them in maintaining their body temperature as they are native to extremely cold climates.
Polar bears are one of the popular animals of tundra going extinct on a large scale, Scientists have said that fewer than 26000 bears are left. Polar bears are strong swimmers who can swim great distances between the beach and the sea ice if necessary. However, if a storm develops during these increasingly long journeys, they risk drowning.

These are the heaviest animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.