With more than 25000 different types of butterfly species found across the world, butterflies are amazing creatures that appeared in a variety of colors and patterns. Butterflies belong to the Lepidoptera Family, a word of Greek origin meaning “wings with scale”. In reality, it is these beautiful wings full of pigment and reflective scales that actually give butterflies there is spectacular and striking color. So, here is a list of the top 16 most beautiful butterflies found across the world.
Beautiful Butterflies
1. The Dead Leaf Butterfly
Many native to tropical rainforests across Asia, The dead leaf butterfly is also known as the Indian leaf butterfly. It is an amazing camouflaging species with irregular patterns and veins on the wings resembling a dead leaf. The dead leaf butterfly has dark and brown wings that also appear in different vibrant colors when they camouflage. Also, the dead leaf butterfly usually stays in a place for a long time where they can easily find food and feed mostly on the nectar of flowers and fallen fruits.
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2. The Emerald Swallowtail
With more than 500 different species of swallowtail butterflies found across the world, The Emerald Swallowtail is one of the most colorful and largest butterflies in the world. It is an amazing species and has shining green band wings which sometimes also make blue and yellow reflections. Also, the underparts of the butterfly’s wings are black and orange with blue spots on the edges. Moreover, The Emerald Swallowtail is mainly found in Southeast Asia.
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3. The Glasswinged Butterfly
Found mainly in the majestic state of Mexico and Colombia, The Glasswinged Butterfly is a fantastic species that has transparent wings which help to protect itself from predators. However, they have a reddish-brown border on their wings which sometimes makes them visible. Also, The Glasswinged Butterfly is mostly found resting peacefully on the common flower called lantana. The Glasswinged Butterfly is also known as the Great Oto Butterfly and is migratory species that travel long distances in winter to find their habitat mainly in Florida. It is also listed as one of the most graceful animals in the world.

4. Sylphina Angel
Sylphina Angel is a gregarious species with transparent wings outlined by majestic black colour. Sylphina Angel butterflies are widely distributed across Peru Ecuador, and Bolivia and Mehandi live across cloud forests of high elevation. The interesting thing about Sylphina Angel butterflies is that they only make flights during full sunlight and spend most of their time beneath the leaves of plants. Also, they are social butterflies found in groups of tens to hundreds beneath the leaves.

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5. Apollo Butterfly
The Apollo butterfly is also an amazing butterfly species that is easily recognized by its attractive white body and eyespots on the wings. They are found only in some specific areas of Italy, Spain, and France and are also one of the most threatened species of butterflies in Europe. The interesting thing about Apollo butterflies is that they produce foul smells to threaten the predators. Also, the larvae of Apollo butterflies have a deep dark colour and have camouflaging ability. However, adult butterflies do not exhibit camouflaging ability because of the striking Red eye spots all over the body.

6. Blue Morpho
With a wingspan of 5 to 6 inches, Blue Morpho is one of the largest butterflies in the world recognized by its vivid blue colour wings and black edges. They are commonly found in the tropical rainforest of south and Central America and they spend most of their time in low shrubs of tropical rainforest and feed on a variety of plants, fungi, and rotten fruits. However, bloom’s office also releases a strong smell to threaten their predators. However, the back part of their wings helps them to camouflage and hide from potential predators.

7. Zebra Longwing Butterfly
Zebra Longwing Butterfly is a fantastic butterfly species that have narrow wings with zebra-like stripes. The wings are black in colour with yellow strips wingspan of 72-100 mm. Also, Zebra Longwing Butterflies are widely distributed throughout South and Central America. Zebra Longwing Butterfly aur social species that stay together in groups at night on tree branches and mainly feed on leaves and nectar. Their unique feature is that they make creaking sounds when threatened.
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8. Peacock Pansy
Mainly native to South Asian countries, Peacock Pansy are gregarious species recognized by their striking eyespots. They have yellowish-brown wings with attractive peacock eyespots on their wings. However, the pattern on their underside wings changes with the season and they exhibit bright patterns and eyespots in the wet Season. Also, Like other Pansies, it is highly territorial in behavior and often chases away intruders and visits flowers of Aztec Marigold, Lantana, Land Caltrops, etc.. and is commonly found in gardens and open areas.

9. Eighty-Eight Butterfly
Also known as Diaethria Anna, the 88 butterfly is a fantastic butterfly species commonly found in wet tropical forests of America. The Eighty-Eight Butterfly butterfly is a brush-footed butterfly with a wingspan of 35 to 40 mm and has black upper sides, and a metallic bluish-green band on the forewings. Also, the underside of the forewings is red, followed by a wide black band and then white tips with lines approximating a black outlined 88, as the name so. The Eighty-Eight Butterfly is also found in human habitations. However, they like to rest on Rock faces and mineral-rich soil and mainly feed on Rotten fruits.
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10. Forest Giant Owl butterfly
Commonly found in the rainforest of Mexico, Central and South America, the Forest Giant Owl butterfly is a beautiful butterfly species known for its huge eyespots. Also, it has yellow and black spots in the middle of brown hind wings. Also, it is a social species often found in groups and feed on juices of fermenting fruits, especially banana, pineapple, and mango. Moreover, it is also the largest butterfly in America and easily spottable a mile off. Also, they can fly a few meters in a short time and usually fly across forests or agricultural fields in the evening.

11. Monarch butterfly
The monarch butterfly scientifically known as Danaus plexippus belongs to the family Nymphalidae. It is also known as monarch and other common names of the butterfly species are milkweed, common tiger, wanderer, and black veined brown. The unique part is that the butterfly species produces four generations over one summer season. One of the beautiful butterflies comes with black, orange, and white patterns. The total wingspan of the butterfly is 8.9–10.2 cm.

12. Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly
The spicebush swallowtail butterfly is also known as the green-clouded butterfly native to North America. The two most common species of butterfly are Papilio troilus troilus and Papilio troilus ilioneus seen in the regions of the Florida peninsula. The name of the butterfly species has been derived from its host plant known as spicebush. The spicebush swallowtail butterfly is among the largest butterfly species in the world with a wingspan of upto four inches.

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13. Kaiser-i-Hind Butterfly
The kaiser-i-hind butterfly scientifically known as Teinopalpus imperialis is a rare species of butterfly seen in the regions of Nepal and north India east to north Vietnam. The common name meaning of the species is “emperor of India”. The name was also shared with a medal for public service in India, however, it was controlled by Britain. The green color of the species has been identified because of the three-dimensional photonic structure of the scales.

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14. Sri Lankan rose Butterfly
The Sri Lankan rose butterfly also known as Ceylon rose is seen in Sri Lanka and belongs to the swallowtail family. The butterfly species is endemic to Sri Lanka and seen in the rain forests of the central hill country in the southwest. The butterfly species is critically endangered because of habitat loss.

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15. Sapho longwing Butterfly
The Sapho longwing butterfly scientifically known as Heliconius Sapho belongs to the family Nymphalidae. One of the most beautiful butterflies species was described by Dru Drury in 1782. It is seen in the regions of Mexico southward to Ecuador. Talking about the appearance, the butterfly’s Antennae is black and the eyes are brown. The wings mazarine are blue along with breast and abdomen black with white streaks.

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16. Malabar banded peacock Butterfly
The Malabar banded peacock butterfly is scientifically known as Papilio Buddha is seen in the Western Ghats of India. The host plant of the larva caterpillar has been recorded on Zanthoxylum rhetsa. The total wingspan of the butterfly species is 107 to 155 mm.

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These are the top 16 most beautiful butterflies in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.