Sunflowers are the first choice of beautiful flowers for many people, either because of their seeds or for their enthralling flowers. It is a commonly known fact that sunflowers follow the direction of the sun. The color of the flowers sparks joy and is a pleasure to see. Sunflowers are annuals that you can grow whether you live in a short-season area, or you have several seasons of warmth. They are quite popular as garden flowers and many different varieties are available that offer distinct advantages and characteristics. The key is to pick the right varieties for your purposes. Here is the list of different types of sunflowers in the world,
Types Of Sunflowers
1. Skyscraper sunflower
This flower is native to the US and Central America. The stalks of these flowers have heights that go as high as 13 feet and hence they are called so. Although now many varieties are available in a lot of different colors, the happy yellow is still a favorite. The plant takes about 70 days to reach its full growth.
They are seasonal flowers and grow only once a year. The Botanical associations recommend growing them either in groups or with care so as to protect them from wind or anything that may topple them. Their seeds are roasted too for human consumption. Sunflowers are also a source of nutrition for birds and insects.
Also Read: A List Of 10 Different Types of Flowers In The World

2. American giant sunflowers
These are truly giant sunflowers. They reach heights of 15 feet and the flowers have a diameter of 10 inches! Scientifically they are called Helianthus annus which tells us that these are sunflower plants that are annual. They have stems that are long and strong and have big leaves to support the growth of the plant. The plant is loved by insects and birds. So along with one beautiful flower, you get to enjoy the awesome variety of butterflies and moths, and birds in your garden.
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3. Russian Mammoth Sunflowers
These are tall sunflowers too that reach heights going up to 12 feet. The stalks are sturdy as a mammoth’s tooth. So, you’ll probably have to cut them with big blades or perhaps even chainsaws at the end of the season. They can be used for small bonfires or kindling as they burn nicely.
They are also called golden flowers and are attractive to birds and bees at enhancing your garden scape. Not just beauty, if you want them for the seeds, even then the Russian mammoth sunflowers are a good choice. They have a pretty good seed production rate at a thousand per head.

Image Source: Audrey
4. Schweinitz’s sunflowers
Scientifically called the Helianthus schweinitzii, this is a wildflower that is endemic to the Carolinas in the US. Specifically, the Piedmont region in North and South Carolina. Because of its short spread, their population is subject to threats and decline and is quite vulnerable.
They are listed as endangered species since 1991. The stems of this sunflower are distinctly identifiable by their purple color. The flowers are quite different from a regular sunflower. They have only eight to ten petals per head that surround a rather small disc. Another common name for the flower is rainbow sunflower.

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5. Sundance kid sunflowers
This gorgeous happy colored sunflower stands apart from the rest of the sunflowers because of the color of its petals. The petals are red-colored near the disc and become the traditional yellow at the ends. The other features are that it has a longer flowering time.
The plant does not grow to extreme heights like the previous few members of this list. It grows to a short knee height and therefore is ideal for small spaces like small yards or even growing in pots. The flower also does not spread pollen and so it’s perfect for people who want to avoid pollen for allergy or any other reasons.
Also Read: Top 10 Biggest Flowers In The World

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6. Little Becka sunflowers
These unreal-looking flowers are the pinnacle of the dramatic display. The center is slightly lighter colored than the rest of the seed zone. When the petals start at the edge of the central disc they are yellow-colored which grades into copper-red color in the middle and again changes to yellow near the end.
This gives an impression of a halo around the flower. These plants do not require much space and can grow perfectly well in gardens and pots. They grow to heights less than 42 inches, which can be achieved only in gardens.
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7. Teddy bear sunflowers
These sunflowers resemble marigold flowers in appearance. They have numerous petals that give it a fluffy bushy look which is also the reason for its common name. The plant is of the dwarf category and so grows to heights of only four to five feet. As they are short and soft-stemmed, they should be protected from winds. However, they are not so vulnerable in general. They are deer resistant and can stand irregular water and needs low maintenance.

8. Moulin Rouge Sunflowers
These sunflowers have a rich red color and a dark reddish-colored central disc. As exotic and vulnerable as they may seem, they are actually quite easy to grow. They reach about 2 meters in height. The flower produces pollen and nectar that attracts bees and birds. Some even have petals that have a slight yellow color near the disc which almost looks like it’s burning. Thye is good to grow in small gardens and even in flower pots.

Image Source: Wikimedia
9. Strawberry blonde sunflowers
These types of sunflowers are bred to have a strawberry color instead of the classic sunny yellow. Many different color patterns are available. Some have petals that are dark pink at the beginning and turn light strawberry color towards the end. Others are throughout a pink. Yet others even have dark pink, light pink as well as the original yellow color.
They grow to normal heights, are suitable for pots and small gardens, and are pleasing to look at. The flowers do not contain pollen and so are good enough for vases and indoor uses too. They are also called rose pink sunflowers.

Image Source: Audrey
10. Italian White Sunflowers
As the name reveals that these are white-colored flowers. The flowers are creamy-white colored with dark brown-black centers and shades of sunflower yellow near the disc. The seeds are eaten toasted and the plants are grown commercially for this purpose. It is one of the different types of sunflowers in the world.

Image Source: Wikimedia
These are the different types of sunflowers in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.