Are you fascinated by the hills shining with snow? Do you enjoy snowfall or places that are covered with ice? If you are one of them, then you have stumbled upon the right place. In today’s article, we are going to talk about the coldest countries in the world. These countries/places are breathtakingly cold. Something you would love to explore. So, without further ado, let’s know in detail about the coldest countries in the world,
Coldest Countries In The World
1. Antarctica- As low as 100 degrees below zero
Antarctica is undoubtedly one of the coldest places in the world. Its climate is not only cold but also very dry and windy. Just looking at the pictures of this place can give you chills. Most of the landmass here is hidden beneath the polar ice. As far as your eyes can see, there is only a white sheet on the ground. Very few people live in Antarctica as it is hard to survive here. During the dark and cold winters, the population is generally around 1000. But, interestingly, you will find a lot of penguins here. Till now the lowest recorded temperature of Antarctica has been -89 degrees celsius.

2. Kazakhstan- Down to -20 degrees Celsius in winters
This country borders Russia, so it becomes quite obvious that it will be impacted by the Russian climate. There are many parts of this country that lay beneath the blankets of snow throughout the year. Till now, the lowest temperature that has ever been recorded here is -57 degrees celsius. Normally, in winters the temperatures are as low as -20 degrees celsius; however’ in freezing parts of the country, it can fall as low as -40 degrees celsius.

3. Russia- Below 0 degrees in Summers
It is not the entire country that is cold but some parts of it are so cold that it will blow your mind. Have you ever witnessed a bone-chilling freeze? If not, you can plan your next holiday to Siberia or Oymyakon. The lowest recorded temperature has been -68 degrees celsius. Moreover, even in summers, the coldest parts of this country have a temperature of around -3 degrees celsius. Now, you might be able to imagine how cold it is there and how the people survive.

4. Canada- As low as -40 degrees Celsius in Winters
After Russia, Canada is considered to be one of the coldest countries. Situated in the north of the United States, it gets very cold due to the chilly winds that travel from the United States. Till now, the lowest recorded temperature in Canada has been -63 degrees celsius. And normally, in winters the temperatures are around -40 degrees celsius. Despite the cold weather, it is not really difficult to stay in Canada as compared to Antarctica. This is because of the advancement in technology, transportation, and means of communication.

5. The United States of America- Below zero degrees Celsius in most of the northern cities
It falls on the list of the top ten countries that are the coldest on the planet. Despite that, America has diverse climatic conditions. On one hand, there are some states that are the coldest and on the other hand, there are some states that are the hottest. Let’s take the example of Alaska, which is one of the coldest places in the country. The state hardly sees the sun and the temperatures there generally hover around -30 degrees celsius or even more low. The lowest temperature ever recorded here has been -62 degrees celsius. States like Texas and Florida are not that cold.
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6. Mongolia- As low as -30-degree Celsius in Winters
No matter how thick and furry jackets you wear, this country will make you shiver anyway. Earlier, this country was not among the top five countries that are the coldest, but the temperatures recorded last year shifted it to this position. In 2024, the lowest recorded temperature in this country was -54.7 degrees celsius. Moreover, Mongolia shares borders with Russia and this is another reason behind its cold weather. The chilly winds that blow in Russia hit this country as well.

7. Norway- From -10 degrees C to 1 Degree C
The country known for the Aurora can have bitterly cold days in winter. The coastline borders most of the counties in Norway; implying it has a warm climate. However, that is not the case. Since most of them are above the Arctic circle; that means all those counties that are in the northern regions are very cold. Till now, the lowest temperature recorded in Norway has been -51 degrees celsius. It was in the Karasjok village that the lowest temperature was recorded. Normally, in the winters the temperatures range from -1.5 degrees Celsius to zero degrees celsius.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Kyrgyzstan- From -4 degrees C to -19 Degree C
Situated in Central Asia, it is a landlocked country. The Kyrgyz Republic is a very small country. But it has a diverse climate. There are some parts of the country like the Fergana Valley, that are burning hot in summer. Their temperatures go as high as 40 degrees celsius. On the other hand, some parts are so cold that it will literally freeze you, especially the hilly areas. In winters, the mountains are adorned with snowflakes. Till now, the lowest temperature recorded in Kyrgyzstan has been -30 degrees celsius.

9. Finland- (−45) degrees Celsius in winters in Northern Finland
Finland is a remote country. It is located in Northern Europe. Though it is too cold, if compared to the other countries yet it will make your body shiver. This is because the winters in this country last for a very long time. As long as two hundred days in northern regions like the Lapland. In other regions, it lasts as long as 100 days. In winters, temperatures hover around -45 degrees celsius. Till now, the lowest temperature recorded in Finland has been -51.5 degrees Celsius; recorded in the month of January in the year 1999.
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10. Estonia- (-36)-degrees Celsius during winters
This country is also located in northern Europe. The eastern parts of this country share a border with Russia and on its west lies the Baltic sea. It is a very small country in terms of its size. Just like Finland, its northern parts are extremely cold. Moreover, the Russian winds add to the cold climate. Also, this country has an irregular rainfall pattern. So the temperatures can fall in a blink of a moment. Till now, the lowest temperature recorded in Estonia has been -43.5 degrees celsius. And normally, the temperatures hover around 1.5 degrees celsius.

These are the coldest countries in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.