With more than 350 species of parrots. found across the world, parrots are remarkably one of the most social creatures. Also, parrots are very friendly and affectionate creatures that enjoy companionship and good conversation with their owners. They are mainly found inhabiting tropical and subtropical regions. Parrots have always remained popular because of their amusing, intelligent, and affectionate behavior but have also been kept as cage birds since ancient times. The golden parakeet is one of the most beautiful types of yellow birds in the world. So, here is a list of the Top 10 types of parrots found across the world.
Types of Parrots
1. Parakeet Parrot
Primarily native to Australia, parakeet parrots are small to medium-sized species of parrot with long tail feathers. Popularly known as “Budgerigar” or “Budgies”, parakeet parrots are generally green and yellow in color with Black markings on the nape, back, and wings. Also, parakeet parrots are very social little birds deserving much care and attention. It is interesting to note that Budgies are one of the smartest talking birds in the world.
They are very colorful bird species and have playful behavior. Also, parakeet parrots are food lovers and feed on a wide variety of fruits including veggies, finely chopped carrots, seeds, sweet potatoes, etc. Moreover, parakeet parrots are great companions and can easily adapt themselves to any household surroundings.
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2. Scarlet Macaws
Commonly native to Central and South America, Scarlet Macaw is one of the most beautiful and largest parrot species found across the world. Scarlet Macaws are popularly known for their attractive plumage. Also, they have bright red-colored bodies and blue back with yellowish markings on upper wings. Also, they have White upper parts and black lower parts. Scarlet Macaws are majestic bird species known for their intelligence and excellence in mimicking various kinds of words and voices. Macaws are one of the longest living animals in the world.Also Read: Top 10 Most Graceful Animals In The World

3. Hyacinth Macaw
With a length of about 40 inches, Hyacinth Macaw is the largest flying parrot species in the world. Hyacinth Macaws are popularly known for their bright blue plumage and large beak. Also, Hyacinth macaws are mainly native to Southern Brazil, Central, and Eastern South America. Also, Hyacinth Macaw is the most stunning species of the Macaw family. Moreover, Hyacinth Macaws are also highly intelligent and friendly, known for being vibrant, lively, and incredibly social within their flocks. However, it is a rare and threatened species listed as endangered.
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4. African Grey Parrot
Accredited as the most intelligent talkative parrot species in the world, African Parrot is one of the majestic grey bird species found across the world. Mainly endemic to Africa, the African grey Parrot is a gregarious species with a wingspan of about 46-52 cms. Also, African grey parrots are entirely grey in color with a greyish-black beak. However, males and females are almost identical.
It is interesting to note that African parrots’ bond with their owners helps them to excel in talking. In fact, the African grey Parrot is one of the most talented mimicking bird species in the world, giving it a great reputation among bird lovers.

5. Cocktails
This medium-sized parrot is basically an Australian parrot species and is also the most popular pet for bird lovers. Cocktails are highly social parrots that love to interact with humans and also show affection towards them. This gregarious species has a very playful nature and generally has a long lifespan. In fact, Cocktail parrots have been accredited as household parrots and companion parrots throughout the world. Also, Cocktails have a variety of color patterns and a head crest but are generally dark grey with a yellow head and orange facial patches. Moreover, females have more muted tones.

6. Quaker Parrot
Originating from South America, Quaker Parrot is a medium-sized species with a dark green body, bluish feathers and tail, and a bright orange beak. Quaker parrots are very intelligent, have social behavior, and exhibit a great level of willingness to learn to talk. Also, they are very affectionate birds that generally enjoy cuddles and scratches. However, sometimes this charming bird species can become noisy and destructive. Quikr parrots are a very popular bird species and can easily adapt well to any household.

7. Conures
With more than 100 different species and subspecies, conures are generally very active and noisy bird species that tend to express their excitement with a series of lively, shrill screams. Also, Conures are generally friendly cuddly, and playful exhibiting a big and bold personality but at times they become very loud and aggressive. However, the Conures are very charming and interactive. Conures are available in many variations like sun, golden, cherry-headed, white-eyed conure, black-capped, etc.

8. Parrotlets
Also known as Pocket Parrots, Parrotlets is the smallest type of Parrot species found across the world. Parrotlets are basically native to Peru and Ecuador. Growing up to 8-11 cms, parrotlets are also very affectionate bird species. However, Parrotlets are not noisy in fact are quiet birds perfect for those who want to keep them in their homes and apartments. Also, Parrotlets are extremely intelligent birds and can easily learn to talk and do tricks.

9. Black-headed Caique
Also known as a Black-Capped parrot, a Black-headed Caique is a distinctive little White-breasted parrot with a blackhead and a black beak. Mainly native to South America, the Black-headed Caique is a famous bird known for its outstanding coloration and energized nature.
Also, it is highly social and fun-loving and is an orphan commonly adopted by bird enthusiasts because of its cheerful characteristics. Also, Black-headed Caique can make different mimicking sounds and is very Jolly impressing everyone with its acrobatic skills.

10. Rainbow Lorikeet
One of the types of parrots, Rainbow Lorikeet is mainly found in Australia, Rainbow Lorikeet is commonly the inhabitant of tropical rainforest, coastal bush, and Woodland areas. Rainbow Lorikeet is a sweet-natured, medium-size parrot with vibrantly brilliant rainbow colors on its body, red beak, and colorful plumage.
Also, this spectacular colorful bird species have a long lifespan and can live up to 20 to 30 years. Moreover, Rainbow Lorikeets are very Kaun specious often observed calling loudly while flying, and are commonly heard roosting in large and noisy flocks.

These are the most popular 10 types of parrots in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.