Fish are and have always been an integral component of the biosphere. They play a central role in the regulation of the nutrient cycle in marine environments. These aquatic creatures have gills to carry out the same function that the lungs do in terrestrial mammals. They are ectothermic and feed on a variety of aquatic plants and animals. Among the many colours and different sized fish in the world (some of which are still unknown to humans), the following is a list of 10 types of fish in the world,
Types of Fish
1. Oscar
Also known as Tiger Oscar, Marble Cichlid and Velvet Cichlid, Oscar fish are native to the South American continent and are found in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems and their tributaries. The Oscar poses no threat to humans and is also kept as aquarium fish. They can grow upto 36cm in length and weigh upto 1.4 kg. These fish are known to exhibit territorial mannerisms and are carnivorous in their food habits. They can live upto 13 years.
Also Read: 10 Most Beautiful Fishes In The World

Image Source: Wikipedia
2. Swordfish
Scientifically known as Xiphias gladius, these fish reside in the deeper part of the ocean, at least 550m deep. These fish are known to migrate and prefer tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. They were named after the sharp sword-like structure they have on their face. This enables them to kill and eat their prey easily. At full size, these fighter fish can grow upto 9.8 feet in length and can weigh as much as 650 kg.
Also Read: 10 Amazing Sea Creatures In The World

Image Source: FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
3. Basa
Commonly used as frozen fish globally, the scientific name of the Basa fish is Pangasius court, and it belongs to the family of catfish. These fish feed on aquatic plants, and their full-grown size extends upto 120 cm. It is a river fish, found natively at the Chao Phraya and Mekong basins of Indonesia. Other names for the fish are Swai, Panga and Bocorti.

Image Source: Wikimedia
4. Rainbow Trout
These fish are considered to be an extremely healthy protein source. Scientifically named Oncorhynchus mykiss, these fish spend the first two to three years of their lives in saltwater after which they adapt to lakes and rivers where they move to lay eggs. At fully grown size, these fish can weigh as much as 9 kg. In the USA, Rainbow Trouts are the representative symbol of the Washington state and are found in Lake Mohave, Flaming Gorge Reservoir and Watauga Lake among others. These fish live upto 11 years.

Image Source: USFWS Fish and Aquatic Conservation
5. Ocean Sun Fish
These fish are known for their quirky and unique appearance and generally live atleast 160 to 650 feet deep in the ocean, though on occasion they have been reported to have been found even at a depth of 2600 feet. They prefer swimming in tropical waters and live upto a decade. Their scientific name is Mola mola. Ocean Sun Fish is recognised as the heaviest bony fish in the world. They can swim upto 26 km in a single day.

Image Source: Wikimedia
6. Blob Fish
Scientifically named Psychrolutes marcidus, these fish are not among the most aesthetically pleasing creatures in the maritime world. They feed on crustaceans, and can grow upto 30 cm in length. These fish prefer to live in the deep waters surrounding Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand.

Image Source: Simon Elgood
7. Doctor Fish
Scientifically known as Garra rufa, these fish are known as a good spa treatment for psoriasis and other skin conditions. These fish are also known as Kangal and Nibble Fish and live upto 7 years. They are native to the river basins of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Oman and Turkey.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Tench
This fresh and brack water fish is scientifically named Tinca tinca. These fish are also known as doctor fish as it is claimed that the presence of this fish ensures that other fish remain healthy. Native to the European waters of Lake Garda and Lake Constance, and lives upto 30 years when kept in captivity. Another name for this fish is Schlei.

Image Source: Wikimedia
9. Sand Steenbras
Also known as the Striped Seabream, the Sand Steenbras is found in shallow to deep marine waters, to a depth of about 150m. A full-grown Sand Steenbras can weigh upto a kg. These fish dwell in the East Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and some parts of the Indian Ocean. It is one of the most popular types of fish in the world.

Image Source: Wikipedia
10. Common Carp
Scientifically known as Cyprinus Carpio, this fish is found mostly in Asian and European river bodies. These fish feed on aquatic vegetation as well as small fish and are freshwater fish. They are capable of surviving in water with low rates of oxygen saturation. A fully grown Common Carp can weigh as much as 14 kgs. They have an average life span of almost half a decade.

Image Source: University of Minnesota Extension
There are 10 types of fish in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.