The United States has 50 states. All of them have significantly varying geography and populations. It is interesting to see how the area of a state has nothing to do with its population. You may know the largest states, but do you know the smallest ones? Read on to find out the 10 smallest states in the USA,
Smallest States In The USA
1. Rhode Island– Land Area (sq. km.): 4,001
The smallest state in the United States. With an area of just about 1500 sq miles. It’s only 48 miles North-South and 37 miles East-west. This means it takes only an hour to go across the entire state. And everyone can drive to the beach in less than half an hour! Now you can guess why it’s nicknamed ‘the Ocean State”. Rhode Island was the first state to declare independence from Britain.
The state flaunts a lot of extravagant mansions built by wealthy merchants in the 19th century. The state also hosts several art galleries and museums. The RISD Museum in providence is a prominent one, having clothes of ancient Egyptians, Elizabethan needlework, and twentieth-century American designs.
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2. Delaware– Land Area (sq. km.): 6,446
The second smallest state is also known as the “Blue Hen State” or “the First State” because it was the first state to ratify the Constitution. Like Connecticut, Delaware also derives its name from a major river in the region. The river, however, unlike Connecticut, is named after an English nobleman and first colonial governor of the state, Thomas West,3rd De La Warr. It also hosts half of the NYSE listed companies due to its favorable corporate laws.

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3. Connecticut- Land Area (sq. km.): 14,357
This state is nicknamed ‘The constitution state’ because you guessed it, the first constitution was established here, called “Fundamental Orders”. The name of the state goes long before the era of the colonies. It is an anglicized version of the native American name of the Connecticut River, “Quononoquett”. The name means “a long river” which is an apt description of the Connecticut River. Running through the middle of the state the river is a blessing for Connecticut, justifying its name. It is one of the most developed rivers in the US for hydroelectric purposes.

4. New Jersey– Land Area (sq. km.): 22,591
New Jersey is one of the smallest states in the USA. It is also the richest state located in the northeast and bordered by New York in the east and Pennsylvania in the west and a long coastline with the Atlantic. It has over 2500 years of history from the Native Americans till the time of colonization. New Jersey, the fourth-smallest state is sometimes called, “the Garden State” perhaps due to its wonderful parks and nature reserves. Nothing proves that it has a lot to offer than the fact six US presidents had their summer homes in this state!

5. New Hampshire– Land Area (sq. km.): 24,214
Like most of the smallest states of the US, this too is situated in New England. Concord is the capital of the state. The motto of the state “Live Free or Die” is really something to live by. New Hampshire is also famous for its Granite formations and is dubbed ‘the Granite State’. New Hampshire hosts the highest mountain peak in the northeast United States, Mount Washington. The natural beauty of this state is enthralling. Snow-covered mountains, Lakes surrounded by mountains, forests, and hiking trails are what draw people here. You can also do kayaking in the lakes or camping in the woods, or just view the calm sunset in nature’s lap.

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6. Vermont– Land Area (sq. km.): 24,906
Famous for its history, Vermont is the second-least-populated U.S. state after Wyoming and the sixth smallest by area among the 50 U.S. states. It borders the state of Massachusetts to the south, New Hampshire to the east, New York, and the Canadian Province of Quebec to the west and north respectively. Vermont is the only state in New England that does not border the Atlantic Ocean.
The area was inhabited by indigenous people for over 12000 years. At the time of the European encounters, the tribes of Algonquian- speaking Abenaki and Iroquoian-speaking Mohawk were active in this area. Vermont was contested over seven years-long war between the French and British colonies of America in 1763, resulting in French defeat.

7. Massachusetts– Land Area (sq. km.): 27,336
One of the sites of the early English colonization, Massachusetts was founded in 1630 as ‘Massachusetts Bay Colony’ taking its name from the indigenous Massachusett people. This state shares its borders with New York to the west, Vermont to the northwest, New Hampshire to the northeast, Rhode Island to the southeast, Connecticut to the southwest with the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Maine on its east.
Massachusetts is the most populated state in the New England region of the United State making its capital, Boston, the most populous city in the N.E. region. This city originally counted on agriculture, fishing and trade, but due to the Industrial Revolution, it transformed into a manufacturing center. The famous MIT is also situated here.

8. Hawaii- Land Area (sq. km.): 28,313
Hawaii is an island state, located in western America. It has beautiful beaches, ancient culture and it’s most famous for hula dance. Basically, Hawaii is made up of volcanoes and there are 15 volcanoes that gave us the islands. If something is more stunning than the beaches, it’s the weather. Hawaii is a world-famous surfing location and very famous for its adventure sports.
Tourism is the most important part of the Hawaiian economy. It also hosts many international music and film festivals in which people come from across the world. Many people go hiking to the “Diamond Head”, a volcanic tuff on the island. If you want to discover the whole package of culture, adventure, beaches, and delicious rich cuisines just take a vacation to Hawaii.

9. Maryland– Land Area (sq. km.): 32,131
Maryland is one of the oldest states of the USA situated in the coastal region of the Atlantic Coast. The name of the state is related to Queen Henrietta Maria of England. Maryland’s national anthem is the USA & Annapolis is its capital. Virginia & West Virginia are the neighboring states of Maryland.
The inhabitants of the state are called Marylanders. The American tribes are the main population of the state. It is also well known for its Historical trading port & export of blue Carbs. The nick Name of Maryland is “OLD Line State” & sometimes called “America in Miniature”. The White Christmas is unique a feeling in Maryland, where rain turns into snow & accumulates on the surface.

10. West Virginia- Land Area (sq. km.): 62,756
West Virginia is the tenth smallest state in America which is covered by the Appalachian Mountains. It’s a very beautiful state with mountain resorts, valleys, parks and the most famous landmark which is the new river George bridge. It shares the border with Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Ohio. Tourist destinations like Canaan valley and Seneca rocks are some of its popular spots holding attractions like winter sports activities, mountain climbing, etc., attracting a nice number of tourists every year.
It attracts many rock climbers and river rafting enthusiasts as the new George River gives them a totally different adventure. It also has the iconic case scenic railroad state park which gives you a ride on the steam train up in the mountain with the most astonishing scenic views. The nostalgic song “Country roads, take me home” accurately depicts the beauty of West Virginia.
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These are the 10 smallest states in the USA. Kindly share and do post your comments.