Oceans are far more diverse in life as compared to land. It is full of weird and amazing sea creatures. The ones that we know like fishes, whales, sharks, octopuses form only a fraction of what the marine animals actually are. Some of these creatures are beautiful and dangerous while others like minding their own business. The number of known species themselves is so vast and diverse that to think that they comprise less than a per cent of all the species that could be out there is mind-boggling. Read on to find out about 10 amazing sea creatures of the world.
Sea Creatures
1. Leafy Seadragon
Also called Glauert’s seadragon or leafies. It is found off the southern and western coast of Australia. Their bodies have fins in the shape of leaves that are almost transparent. Sometimes they appear like seaweed, a feature that helps them avoid predators. They live independently ever since they hatch from eggs and feed on smaller fish, shrimp, and plankton. Although they move slowly, they travel huge distances and yet they are always able to find their way home owing to the strong sense of direction. They are categorised as a species of ‘least concern’ and can be found in public aquariums.
Also Read: Top 10 Different Types of Jellyfish In The World

Image Source: Wikimedia
2. Enypniastes Eximia
They live deep in the oceans near the ocean floors also called the benthic zone. Enypniastes are a type of sea cucumber which are bright pink in colour. They are also called ‘pink see-through fantasia’ which pretty much sums up what they look like. They are not endemic to any region and are found all over the globe. They eat only benthic sediments and therefore you can go near them without the fear of being swallowed. They have webbed fins like structures which they mostly use to go up and down to the ocean floor to feed.
Also Read: 10 Types of Fish in the World

3. Gulper Eel
The gulper eel is also called Pelican eel. Their mouths are like a pelican, big trough that they use to catch fish. Its mouth can open so wide that it can eat animals bigger than the eating itself! You can’t see them in aquariums, however, because their bodies are so fragile that they die when brought to the surface at low pressure. Not much is known about them as not many studies have been done. They are believed to be found in tropical and temperate oceans. Its tail is whip-like which helps it navigate the ocean. Its tail also glows pink or bright red.

Image Source: Wikimedia
4. Porcupinefish
Imagine the pufferfish, but with porcupine-like spines. However, unlike porcupine, its spines are not always up and daunting. It is only when it’s scared that it inflates, with either water or air, that its spines become erect to scare off predators. They are small fish, scientifically called Diodon nicthemerus. They are found in near equator oceans all around the globe. As if the spines weren’t scary enough, they secrete a toxin too, far more potent than cyanide. No wonder this species is not ordinarily preyed upon. Although sometimes whales and sharks and humans do eat them. In fact, they are a seafood delicacy in the Philippines.
Also Read: 10 Different Types Of Crabs In The World

Image Source: Wikimedia
5. Mimic Octopus
These are types of octopuses found in the Indo-pacific region. It changes its skin colour to camouflage itself from predators or to hunt. As the name suggests it can mimic, but unlike other natural mimics, these octopuses can mimic a range of sea animals like jellyfish, mantis shrimp, stingrays, and crabs. It was discovered only recently, perhaps it was so good at disguising itself. It is called the master of disguise because not only does it change its skin pigmentation it also changes its body shape and swimming style. It often imitates poisonous animals to dupe animals’ notable ones being lionfish and sea snakes.

Image Source: Klaus Stiefel
6. Sea Pen
These organisms are shaped like quills that’s why the name. These animals are found in warm waters near the ocean floors. They have a bulbous root that goes into the ground and tentacles that fan out from the main stem much like a feather. Although not all sea pens are alike. Some of them resemble sea plants. They live in colonies and shine bright orange, yellow and red at night. They are harmless creatures who perform photosynthesis and gather edible sea particles instead of preying on small animals.

Image Source: Wikimedia
7. Flying Gurnard
These magnificent sea animals have fins that expand like wings. Not much information is available about this species. They prefer warm oceans and live in tropical parts of the Atlantic. Contrary to what the name might suggest, these Gurnards can’t ‘fly’. Nor in the sky nor in the ocean. They can only glide using their fins but only for short periods of time. Most of the time they walk along the ocean floor. These fish have colourful fins that beat butterfly wings in beauty. Not only bright hues, but these fins also have phosphorescent blue colouration. Measuring around 50 cm in length, their main food is small fish and crustaceans.

Image Source: Wikipedia
8. Brittle Star
These are starfish-like animals. They have five tentacles that protrude from a central circular disk. They don’t have eyes, but they can sense light, odours, and chemicals with their tentacles. These whip-like structures can even go up to 60cm in length. Brittle starfish are found all over the world’s oceans. Like some lizards, brittle starfish can lose one of their arms when under attack to confuse their predators.
They have the regenerative abilities to grow their lost parts. This species reproduces asexually by fission. The central disk grows another disk on the side which then detaches and grows its own arms. Brittle starfish are bioluminescent and generally emit green light.

Image Source: Wikimedia
9. Feather Star
This weird sea creature has feather-like growths on its body, similar to pigeon feathers. Scientifically called Crinoids, they are closely related to starfish and Brittle stars. They live on ocean floors, where they eat planktons. They embed their stalks in the ocean floor however, they are not immobile. They move on the ocean floor either in search of food or to avoid currents.

Image Source: Wikimedia
10. Mantis shrimp
Mantis Shrimp, also called stomatopods are found in warm tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. It has vibrant colours along its body because of which it is a prized animal in aquariums. Just like a mantis, its clubs pack huge power which it unleashes on crustaceans to break their shell. They are also said to have broken aquarium glass with these attacks, and so these are not considered friendly creatures. They are small animals for us humans, ranging from 3-18 cm in length, but they are not harmless. Their punches can cause deep lesions on your body.

These are the amazing sea creatures in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.