Each animal is unique in its own way. Some have stripes on their bodies, some have rosettes, some have spots, some have patches and asymmetrical patterns et cetera. All these patterns, colors, designs are a gift of nature. It is so mesmerizing to witness such animals. In today’s article, we have figured out 10 animals that are born with spots on their bodies. You will be bewildered after seeing their pictures and knowing about the animal with spots,
Animals with Spots
1. Axis Deer
Axis Deer is a beautiful and graceful animal with a shiny golden-brown coat and white spots on its body. Axis Deer is also known as Chital and it is native to the Indian subcontinent. They have very few predators and a high reproduction rate. The big antlers on their head grow on a yearly basis. Moreover, they use these antlers to woo the females and also to compete with other male deers.
Interestingly, this is a monogamous species. They don’t look for multiple mates but rather hold on to one. There are some males who never get a chance to mate in their life; they wait till they grow too old for mating. They are also found in Alabama, Huawei, Texas, California et cetera.
Also Read: Top 10 Animals That Are Camouflaged

Image Source: Wikimedia
2. Spotted Hyena
Spotted Hyena is the animal on which an idiom is based, that is, ‘to laugh like hyena’ meaning, to laugh hysterically. The idiom comes from the sound of their cackling cries. It has a golden body with black spots on it. The spotted hyena is the largest among all other species of it. It is also the most common one. Their bodies can grow up to 2m in length.
They generally hunt in groups and have the ability to take down animals like Zebras, Hippos, antelopes, wildebeest et cetera. Other animals like snakes, fishes, and lizards are like starters on their menus. Their jaws and teeth are so strong that they can even eat the bones of their victims. An interesting fact about them is that their groups which are also known as clans are headed by a powerful female who is known as the alpha female.

Image Source: Cloudtail the Snow Leopard
3. Fallow Deer
One of the animals with spots, The fallow deer or the European fallow deer is a very common species. You know why this deer is so famous because the color variations on its body are much more than any other deer. Some are white, some are black, and some have a fainted brown body.
The males have huge antlers and velvet on them. This deer is also very famous for its meat and can you believe, people consume its bone-marrow as well. It is commonly found in parts of North Africa, Europe, and Asia. They differ from other deers in their beauty and grace.

Image source: Wikimedia
4. Snowy owl
The snowy owl is one of the types of owls in Florida where wildlife enthusiasts and photographers madly wait to catch a glimpse of the snowy owl. Now you might be able to understand that there is something magical about this animal. The yellow color eyes have a small black dot on them and the bristles on their beak help them sense and identify nearby objects. Their body is full of white feathers with black dots and stripes on them. The mails are purely white in color while the females have dark spots on their white bodies.
This creature is beautiful beyond words. Moreover, the heavy feathers on their body make them one of the largest owl species. They are native to the cold Arctic climate. They have a lot of fur on their feet which shields them from the cold. While the other owls are active during the night time the snowy owls are active during the daytime.
Also Read: 10 Types Of Owls In The World

5. Appaloosa
Appaloosa is a horse breed native to America. It is very famous for its distinctive coats and patterns on it. Do you know that the Nez Perce people developed this horse? In 1975, Appaloosa was named the state horse for Idaho. They are not of a particular color and you can’t predict the color of them until they are fully grown up. Initially, that horse was called Palouse but its name changed to Appaloosa. Interestingly, these horses are used in various television series and western movies like The Appaloosa, El Dorado et cetera.

Image Source: Wikimedia
6. Spotted Bush Snake
Spotted Bush Snake is also known as a variegated bush snake. This is a non-venomous snake that is quite common in Sub-Saharan Africa. It has a parrot green body with heavily speckled black spots on it. It can grow up to the length of 60-90cm. Their typical habitat includes areas close to water, moist areas, river banks et cetera. It remains active throughout the day and loves to feed on frogs, chameleons, and large lizards such as geckos. It is an amazing climber and generally hides inside roofs and other cracked surfaces.

Image source: Bernard DUPONT
7. Pietrain Pig
Pietrain Pig is a breed of pig that is medium-sized. Their name comes from the village Pietrain in northern Wallonia. It has a white body with black spots on it and around these black spots, there are some circles in a lighter shade that are a result of pigmentation. Due to the patterns on their body, this breed is also known as one with piebald markings. Do you know, these pigs are very famous as they are a source of top-quality pork. They have a meat content of around 83% which is the highest among any other species. Pigs are considered one of the smartest animals in the world.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Holstein Friesian Cow
Holstein Friesian Cow is a black and white animal that comes with pitch-black spots and patches on it. If you consume milk in any form then you should be thankful to the Holstein Friesian Cow for that. This cow is world-famous for its milk production. They first originated in West Friesland and North Netherlands. Now, you can trace this cow in different parts of the world. There are around 10 million registered Holstein cows in the world. And their population is showing an upward trend. Due to strong and good udders, its milk production is exceptional.

9. Spotted Moray Eel
This creature looks a bit scary. They have a pale yellow body with dark brown and purple-colored spots on them. They grow up to the length of 0.3m and their average weight is around 2.5 kgs. Interestingly, they have an extra pair of the jaw in their throat which is used by them to pull down the food manually. They are nocturnal creatures and you will find them active only during the night hours. Also, they have poor eyesight and this is why they use their sense of smell to identify and catch their prey.

Image Source: Wikimedia
10. Spotted Trunkfish
The spotted Trunkfish comes to a splendid creature. You will not be able to take off your eyes from this fish. It has a greyish-black body with shiny white spots on it. They are also known as boxfish or cowfish. According to IUCN, they are one of the least concerned species. These fishes are mostly found in the Caribbean sea, coastal areas of Brazil, and the Gulf of Mexico. It is one of the most amazing animals with spots in the world.

Image source: Victor Engmark
These are the top 10 animals with spots in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.