Indeed, people have often heard about the majestic purple flower species but it’s interesting to know that purple animals exist. Ranging from majestic purple Birds to other fascinating animals life purple starfish to Purple sea urchin there are many more to explore. So, here is a list of the top 10 powerful animals in the world.
Purple Animals
1.Purple emperor butterfly
Mainly native to Central Southern England, the purple emperor butterfly is one of the most beautiful butterflies of the animal kingdom. This majestic butterfly species usually fly high in the treetops of well-wooded landscapes and feeds on aphid honeydew and tree sap. Also, they have long curled tongues and brightly coloured wings. Moreover, they are commonly found in the deciduous Woodland in Europe and Asia mainly in the Himalayan foothills and also in North Africa. Also, they lay eggs on the leaves of sallows, willows etc.
Also Read: Top 10 Yellow And Black Birds With Pictures And Info

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2.Purple sea snail
Also known as the purple Ocean snail, the Purple c scale is a remarkable mollusc adaptable to Ocean life. It has a delicate shell that can grow up to nearly 3.5 cms across. Also, it has a distinguishing light purple shade on the top and it is dark purple from below. Moreover, this majestic species is widely distributed across the world especially in the tropical and temperate seas, generally seen floating at the surface. Purple sea snails are social species often found in large groups living on or at the very surface of the water.
Also Read: Top 10 Yellow And Black Birds With Pictures And Info

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3.Orchid dotty back
Orchid Dottyback is a gregarious fish species and has a fantastic personality. Also, it is majestically lavender coloured and one of the aquarium favourites. Also, it can grow up to nearly 6.3 cm long and can waters up to 16 deep near reefs. It is interesting to note that this majestic fish species primarily shelters in holes and under overhangs. Moreover, Orchid Dottyback is commonly found only in the Red Sea forming colonies near ledges, feeding most particularly on zooplanktons.
Also Read: 10 Beautiful Butterflies In The World With Pictures

4.Purple Martin
Purple Martin is one of the most fantastic bird species found across the world. Purple Martin is a passerine bird species and also the largest swallow bird in North America. However purple Martins are not truly purple, they have dark blackish-blue feathers and have an iridescent Sheen giving them a Deep Purple appearance. However, purple Martins generally nest in an old fashioned way that is, in woodpecker’s holes. Purple Martins r is popularly known to perform aerial acrobatics in order to snap up flying insects.
Also read: 10 Biggest Butterflies In The World

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5.Purple firefish
Mainly native to the tropical waters in the Indo West Pacific, the purple firefish is an elegant fish species of Dartfish. This majestic fish species has a colourful body with very degrees of yellow and white, anti shades of purple starting from the head stretching to the end with maroon tipped fins. Also, purple firefish feeds on the job or shaved seafood, Mysis shrimp etc and also vitamin-enriched brine shrimp. It is interesting to note that the vibrant colouring of this fish species tends to fade if not fed with a vitamin-enriched diet.

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6.Purple starling
Also known as purple glossy starling, the Purple starling is one of the most amazing bird species. It is chunky, large and a short-tailed starling. It has an iridescent purple body with a greenish bag and a huge yellow-orange eye. Also, purple Martins are found in a wide variety of habitats including Savanna habitats, moist broadleaf Woodland, particularly with fruiting figs and cultivations etc. Moreover, purple starlings our social Birds travelling usually in flocks and are often seen mixing with other species of starling. Purple Martins are noisy Birds emitting typical starling squeaks and chattering.

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7.Purple honeycreeper
The Purple honeycreeper is a small new tropical Bird commonly found in the tropical new world ranging from Columbia and Venezuela south to Brazil and Trinidad. The purple honeycreeper is a very small tanager like a bird, usually seen in small groups mixing with other bird species in the canopy. Males are generally Indigo blue in colour with black throat and
wings. Females are mostly green with streaking on underparts and a grazing buffy brown face. Purple honeycreeper mainly inhabits the lowlands and foothills of North and South America where they are found perching in forest edges and gardens.

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8.Purple beetle
One of the amazing purple animals in the world also known as the ground violet beetle, the Purple beetle is a black, shiny beetle with violet edges. Purple beetle generally does not fly but they are fast runners. Also, purple beetles are one of the largest species in the UK, measuring about 20-30mm in length. Moreover, they are active, nocturnal predators, chasing and catching smaller invertebrates in gardens, Woodlands, meadows. They are often found resting during the day under logs and stones and in leaf litter and come out at night to hunt slugs and other smaller invertebrates.

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9.Purple Starfish
Purple starfish or ochre Sea Star is a majestic water animal known for its brilliant purple and occasionally orange, red and brownish coloring. Typically found with five arms, the purple starfish may have only three or four, or even as many as seven. Moreover, it has a bulky, spine-covered body that can grow up to 10 inches from arm to arm. The purple starfish is commonly found in the rocky shorelines of the Pacific Ocean ranging from Prince William Sound, Alaska, to Baja, California. It is interesting to note that in addition to its colourful hue, this large, sturdy echinoderm is also known for its healthy shellfish appetite and its ability to live for hours in oxygen-rich shallow water.

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10.Purple sea urchins
Living along the coast of North America in the Pacific Ocean, the Purple sea urchins are one of the majestic animal species. Purple sea urchins are generally deep purple in colour and are easily identifiable on the ocean floor because of their distinctive purple colour. Purple sea urchins can normally grow up to a diameter of about 10 cm (4 inches) and may live as long as 70 years. Also, Sea urchins can tolerate temperatures of 41° to 74° F. It is interesting to note that Purple sea urchin moves on small tube feet, which are found all over the animal and uses their teeth and spines to dig holes in stones, that become their sea hideaway.

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These are the beautiful purple animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.