Some snakes are venomous but the fact that they have beautiful bodies cannot be denied. They come in different sizes, shapes, colors, patterns, and prints and are also listed as one of the most useful animals in the world. Isn’t it interesting to know in detail about the unique creature? Today’s article is all about them. We have made a list of the ten biggest snakes among all the ones living in the world. The ones we are going to talk about have an exceptional length. So without any further delay let’s know about the biggest snakes in the world in detail,
Biggest Snakes In The Word
1. The Green Anaconda (30 feet)
It is the longest and heaviest snake in the world. Their average weight is around 550 pounds and their average length is 24 feet and they can grow up to the length of 30 feet. Their diameter is around 12 inches. They are native to South America. However, they are also found in Trinidad, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay. They prefer to live in tropical rainforests and flooded grasslands. Though they are sometimes seen on the ground they spend most of their time in the water.

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2. The Amethystine Python (29 feet)
It falls under the category of the non-venomous snake. It is one of the six largest snakes in the world and the largest one in Papua New Guinea and Australia. They are great swimmers and can travel through water if needed. They are lone warriors and spend their time mostly on the ground. Be careful with them, they stay motionless and the color of their body serves as camouflage. They feed on bats, birds, rats, and other small mammals. As per their conservation status, they are the least concerned species.

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3. The Burmese Python (23 feet)
Here comes another snake known for its large size. They can grow as long as 23 feet. The female python can lay up to 100 eggs at a time. Moreover, their way of catching and eating their prey is very interesting. They can swallow an animal that is five times bigger than their head. Do you know how? With the help of their stretchy jaws. Their eyesight is very poor so they use their jaws to identify and locate their prey. They live up to the age of 20-25 years.

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4. The Indian Python (20 feet)
It is native to Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. They generally live in dense forests. Its average length is around 20 feet and it can grow even longer. Their weight is around 150 pounds. They feed on insects, mice, rabbits, rats et cetera. Their diet makes their preservation even more important in order to control the population of the species.
Interestingly, Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book featured this snake. Pythons are spurs on their bodies. And some scientists claim that ancient pythons used to have legs in those spurs. They live all by themselves and only find a mate when It’s the mating season. Pythons go into hibernation during autumn and extreme winter seasons.

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5. The King Cobra (18 feet)
One of the animals that starts with k, Cobras fall under the category of venomous snakes and are one of the longest among them. This snake is so strong and powerful that it feeds mostly on other snakes and its lifespan is of decades because very few other forest animals are strong enough to kill this snake.
Till now, the longest recorded Cobra was around 18 feet long. They mostly live in swamps and rainforests. The poison of these snakes is a neurotoxin which means if bitten, a human can die within seconds. Sadly, they are categorized as about to be extinct as per their conservation status.

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6. The Reticulated Python (16 feet)
This python can grow as long as 16 feet or even more. There are diamond-shaped prints on their bodies. This pattern is known as the Reticulate pattern and that’s where their name comes from. Their skin is used in various art materials and is a highly traded item. These snakes acquire sexual maturity at the age of 3-4 years and their lifespan varies from around 20-25 years. They are native to the Philippines and Malaysia, Nicobar Islands.

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7. The Black Mamba (14 feet)
It is one of the most dangerous types of snakes on this planet. Known for its size, a Black Mamba is around 6.6-8 feet long and can grow up to 14 feet. And don’t be fooled by its name as it is not black in color but rather greyish-brown. They mostly live in lowland forests or rocky areas. It is also one of the fastest among snakes and it can cover around 19 km in an hour. It feeds on birds and other small mammals. Though people recognize it as an aggressive snake, in reality, it chooses to speed up and run away when its predators come close.

8. Boa Constrictor (13 feet)
Known for its size, it is one of the most popular snakes. It is around 13 feet long and it weighs more than 100 pounds. They are native to Mexico and Argentina and are mostly found in tropical rainforests and deserts. Interestingly, there are around 40 species of constricting snakes but there is only one Boa Constrictor. Did you know that the babies of these snakes are independent of the moment they are born? They become sexually mature at the age of 3 or 4.

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9. The African rock python (10-16 feet)
It is a large constrictor snake and comes under the category of a non-venomous snake. It is native to Africa and is found in Sub-Saharan. Despite being the sixth largest snake species in the world it hardly kills a human being. They have triangular head and scales on their body that is smooth and small. They have heat-sensitive pits around their lips that help them to detect their prey. It also goes into hibernation in extremely cold weather.

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10. The King Brown Snake (8.2 feet)
It is also known as the Mulga snake. Till now, the longest recorded King Brown Snake was around 3.3m long. It is one of the most formidable snakes in Australia. They can be found in monsoon forests, shrublands, and even sandy deserts. Interestingly, if a snake of their own species bites them, their body does not show any ill effects. The only threat they have is from some large birds. As per their conservation status, they aren’t one of the threatened species. It is one of the biggest snakes in the world.

Image Source: Wikimedia
These are the biggest snakes in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.