Perhaps you’re playing a game where you need to name animals that start with f. Or maybe you’re just curious about how many animals there is that start with the letter f. Well, there are plenty of animals and birds that start with f. Among the diverse group, we have selected 10 of the most interesting them. Some of them are well known while others deserve more attention. Read on to find out about the 10 animals that start with f.
Animals That Start With F
1. Fox
Apart from the well-known media company, this is also the name of a popular vulpine animal. They belong to the same broad family Canidae as dogs but differ in the genus from our favorite canine animals.
Foxes are omnivorous wild animals that are found in one species or other in almost every corner of the world with the exception of icy Antarctica. The most commonly known is the red fox which has reddish-brown feathers and is the size of a dog. The artic fox with a clean white fur coat is also a recognized arctic animal. The Swift Fox is one of the most popular grassland animals in the world.

2. Flying squirrel
The scientific name of the family of these animals is Pteromyini. It is common knowledge that contrary to the name, these squirrels are not capable of actual flight. The name only refers to the beautiful gliding abilities of this nonavian animal. Their diet consists of fruits, nuts, seeds, flowers, small insects, and tiny eggs. A more recent finding has revealed that three species found in North America are fluorescent and emit a pale pink light at the night. The fact this has only been discovered sheds light on how little we know of the nature around us and how much is left to explore.

Image Source: Wikimedia
3. Flamingo
Iconic pink popular birds are a beauty symbol. These pink birds are found in almost all of the continents of the world in one season or the other either during the migrations or during the breeding seasons. While some flamingos are bright pink others only have a tinge of pink on the plumage. It is one of the most graceful animals in the world.
The bills are orange in color with a black colored tip. As they are water birds, they eat mostly small sea animals like crustaceans and algae. It is also noted that diet plays a key role in determining the color of the feathers. These are extremely social birds and live in colonies. These African birds serve the purpose of providing protection from predators and help in finding mates. The Chilean Flamingo is one of the most colorful birds in the world.

4. Finch
Finches are small birds with bright showy feathers. They generally have a black bill, and the color extends backward to the wings. They are small birds with weights barely reaching 100 grams. They are found in wide regions of the world including the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Although they were earlier not found in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands they are now found there too because of human interactions. The primary source of their diet is grains only. But some groups include some tiny insects in their diet too.

Image Source: Wikimedia
5. Ferret
The scientific name of this animal is Mustela furo. They are common domestic animals known in Europe in America. For those who are not familiar with them, they have bodies somewhat similar to squirrels, but they are a lot bigger. An interesting fact is that when they are excited they perform a dance.
It is an invitation to play with them as they jump sideways and leap and bump into each other or the stuff in the environment. They are carnivores and eat small animals like rats. As they are now becoming a popular choice for pets, food is becoming more easily available for owners. It is also listed as one of the friendliest animals in the world.

6. Fangtooth
This is a creepy-looking deep-sea fish that the name describes accurately. They have a small body size only about 16 cm, which makes them harmless to any big sea animal or humans. The teeth are disproportionate to the body and are the most noticeable part of the fish. Using sharp and long teeth, they are able to easily get their prey which might be somewhat larger than the fish too. Much remains to be discovered about them as they live deep in the oceans, the deepest possibly of any sea animal, and are only studied by advanced deep-sea vehicles.

Image Source: Wikimedia
7. Flounder
This fish lives on the ocean floor but not at great depths. They have an almost flat body structure and easily blend in the muddy seafloor. Many different species are included in this group varying in appearance and behavior but all of them are flat. They have well-developed camouflage abilities that they take full advantage of and are almost invisible to any predator when seen from above to any predator. The diet consists of small fish and larvae and crustaceans.

Image Source: Wikimedia
8. Flying fish
This is a family of fish from the Exocoetidae group that have amazing ‘flying’ capabilities. Not like birds, they only use their wing-like fins to glide over the water. The current record is at 45 seconds for a continuous flight by a flying fish filmed by an NHK crew.
They are also a loved delicacy in many parts of the world. It is believed that they have evolved this flying capability to escape from predators. Once in the air, it can cover distances of 50 m. But they can do multiple successive glides without entering the water entirely which is sure to shake off any predator.

Image Source: Wikimedia
9. Fire ant
Fire ants are widely known for their stings and are listed as one of the deadliest insects in the world. This name generally applies to ants belonging to the Solenopsis genus, however, the term is usually applied to any reddish ant with a painful bite. They are known to be highly resilient and can survive extremely low temperatures without hibernating.
The colony as is the case with most ants is settled by a queen. Some fire ant colonies can have more than one queen too. They generally make their nests underground with some cover above like a log or rock. When such an object is not available, they make mounds of soil that can go up to 40cm or even 1 m depending on the soil type.

10. Firefox
Firefox, also known as the red panda, is a small raccoon-like animal. They are mainly found in the Southern Himalayan regions of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and southwest China. They have a fire-colored fur coat and a fluffy tail. Although it has a ‘panda’ in its name, it isn’t even close to a bear. They are more related to raccoons or skunks. They mainly feed on bamboo shoots and flowers and fruits found in the forest. These factors also decide the population distribution of these animals.

These are the list of different animals that start with f. Kindly share and do post your comments.